Developmental Psychology studies developmental changes in mental health and mental disorders across the lifespan. The department is led by Prof. Dr. Sakari Lemola (Chair) and Prof. Dr. Arnold Lohaus (Senior Professor).
Postal Address
Bielefeld University
Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science
Department of Psychology - AE03
P. O. Box 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved a new research project entitled YourSleep for Sakari Lemola and Arnold Lohaus. The project has started on 01.03.24 and Dr. Anika Werner and Dr. Jana-Elisa Rüth are employed as research associates in YourSleep. The project is currently in the preparation and planning phase. Data collection is expected to start in October 2024. Further information on the project will soon be available in the "Research" section.
Rueth, J.-E., Kerkhoff, D. & Lohaus, A. (2023). Latent growth curve analyses of emotional awareness and emotion regulation in early and middle adolescence. International Journal of Behavioral Development. Advance online publication.
EL-Awad, U. (2022). Acculturation patterns and mental health of young refugees and immigrant-origin peers from the Middle East in Germany (Dissertation, Universität Bielefeld).
EL-Awad, U., Fathi, A., Lohaus, A., Petermann, F., & Reinelt, T. (2022). Different relations of religion and mental health: Comparing Middle Eastern Muslim refugee and immigrant adolescents. European Journal of Health Psychology, 29(1), 26.
EL-Awad, U., Reinelt, T., Braig, J., Nilles, H., Kerkhoff, D., Schmees, P., ... & Lohaus, A. (2021). Polytraumatization in young male refugees from the Middle East and its association with internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 15(1), 1-15.
Girchenko, P., Robinson, R., Rantalainen, V. J., Lahti-Pulkkinen, M., Heinonen-Tuomaala, K., Lemola, S., ... & Räikkönen, K. (2022). Maternal postpartum depressive symptoms partially mediate the association between preterm birth and mental and behavioral disorders in children. Scientific reports, 12(1), 1-10.
Hachenberger, J., Li, Y.-M., & Lemola, S. (2022). Physical activity, sleep and affective wellbeing on the following day: An experience sampling study. Journal of Sleep Research, n/a(n/a), e13723.
Hartmann, S., Lohaus, A., Rüth, J.-E. & Eschenbeck, H. (2022). Stresserleben und Stresssymptomatik bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54, 15–26.
Job, A.-K., Ehrenberg, D., Hilpert, P., Reindl, V., Lohaus, A., Konrad, K. & Heinrichs, N. (2022). Triple P for foster parents with young foster children: Results of a 1-year randomized clinical trial. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37, 322-348.
Kater, M. J., Werner, A., Schlarb, A. A., & Lohaus, A. (2022). Stress reactivity in salivary cortisol and electrocardiogram in adolescents: Investigating sleep disturbances and insomnia. Journal of Sleep Research,
Li, Y.-M., Konstabel, K., Mõttus, R., & Lemola, S. (2022). Temporal associations between objectively measured physical activity and depressive symptoms: An experience sampling study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
Li, Y.-M., Hachenberger, J. & Lemola, S. (2022). The role of the context of physical activity for its association with affective well-being: An experience sampling study in young adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10468.
Lohaus, A., Eschenbeck, H. & Vögele, C. (2022). Editorial: Health and well-being of refugee children and adolescents. European Journal of Health Psychology, 29, 1-2.
Editor works, book chapters and books
Developmental psychology studies developmental change in experience and behavior, and developmental psychopathology studies the development and change in mental health and mental disorders across the lifespan.
The department is headed by Prof. Dr. Sakari Lemola (chair) and Prof. Dr. Arnold Lohaus (senior professor).