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Communicating Science

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© Universität Bielefeld

Communicating science - but how?

Bielefeld University offers a wide range of communication services, but would also like to encourage its Researchers to actively shape the dialogue themselves. After all, they are the most important science communicators!

For Researchers, dialogue with the public is increasingly becoming an integral part of their work. Ideas for communicating the research topic, also outside the science community, are required when acquiring third-party funding, in scientific application procedures and competitions. In addition, especially in the early phase of scientific career development, the topic of profile building and communication plays an important role. Communication and HR managers at Bielefeld University are currently working together to develop an enabling service for Researchers at all career levels that meets this challenge.

What channels does the university offer?

What services does the university offer?

Advanced training offers

Fit for dialogue with the public

The personnel development programme for researchers and teachers (PEP) at Bielefeld University supports our researchers in strengthening their skills for their individual professional careers. In cooperation with the Communication Office and external partners in science communication, it offers, for example, workshops in the fields of media training, digital visibility, or science communication in funding applications. (Offer under development)


In the heart of Bielefeld's city centre, the Wissenswerkstadt is a new address for presenting research to a wide audience, engaging in dialogue and trying out new science communication formats. The Science Communication team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the location and planned formats.

Information for internal staff (in German)

View of the Wissenswerkstadt foyer from above
© Wissenswerkstadt/Sarah Jonek


Our offer is under construction. We welcome suggestions and feedback and are always happy to answer questions!

Department for Communication
Science Communication Team
Julia Homburg and Jörg Heeren
Office: U7-114

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