The programme "richtig einsteigen." was an integral part of consulting, support and teaching at Bielefeld University. It supported students in the introductory phase to lay the foundation for a successful course of study. The aim was to help new students with initial orientation problems and, in particular, to strengthen their mathematical and literal skills as well as their data skills for the university context and later professional life.
From April 2012 on, “richtig einsteigen.” was supported by the Quality Pact Teaching Program. Since the winter semester 2016/2017, the programme was in the second funding phase. It ran until December 2020.
“richtig einsteigen.” consisted of seven sub-projects, each of which contained individual measures to establish sustainably effective concepts and structures for better study conditions and high-quality teaching:
Counselling and orientation: Academic counsellors within the faculties allow us to provide an extended counselling service for first-year students. In their subject areas, these counsellors are committed to providing professional, low-threshold counselling. Both students and prospective students should have the best possible preconditions for planning their studies well and making good decisions.
At the focus of the programme was the introductory phase, in which the foundations for a successful course of study are laid. In 2012, Bielefeld University formulated the following challenges that the programme was to meet during its term:
The second funding phase (2016/2017 - 2020) served to consolidate and embed tried and tested concepts in the regular teaching and structures of Bielefeld University in order to sustainably optimise the introductory phase. So far, the following changes have been achieved:
Courses in the first academic year were revised and redesigned in order to anchor the promotion of literal and mathematical skills as an integral part of teaching. New counselling services support first-year students in planning their studies.
The monitoring of study success has improved the data basis for interventions and their effects. University didactics and teaching evaluation provide new impulses for teaching and support teachers in improving their courses.
Students are strongly involved in the programme, so that they can actively participate in the shaping of studies and teaching.
„richtig einsteigen.“ makes a lasting contribution to the further development of studies and teaching by developing materials and concepts, building networks and initiating cultural change.
The Essential goal of the programme "richtig einsteigen." was the sustainable embedding in the faculties. By the end of the programme in December 2020, the teaching and learning concepts successfully tested by the MathKom and LitKom projects should be firmly established in the degree programmes, so that further implementation could take place within the framework of regular teaching.
The materials developed during the term of "richtig einsteigen." should be permanently available to the faculties. In the project "Counselling and Orientation" it will be agreed which successfully tested offers can be continued after the end of the programme and to what extent.