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CRC 1646

The CRC 1646 „Linguistic creativity in communication“  to the research profile

Picture of the X-building at Bielefeld University, where many researchers of the CRC 1646 work.
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CRC 1646 Blog

This is the blog of the CRC 1646 with reports from our research

Linguistic creativity in communication

Title figure of the CRC 1646: The three dark blue pillars represent the three project areas of the CRC 1646


In a constantly changing world, language as our primary tool of communication must allow for the effective expression of novel thoughts and experiences. This requires linguistic creativity, i.e., the creation of novel linguistic units that are used in communication just as successfully as linguistic routines.

...more in our research profile

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Aktueller Förderzeitraum: 2024/04-2027/12
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