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Measures to deal with Covid-19 completed

After nearly three years, the federal government of Germany and the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia will be allowing the regulations and ordinances governing the COVID-19 pandemic to expire at the beginning of February 2023, or end earlier than planned. Only in the healthcare sector do some specific protective measures remain in place. With this shift, the political sphere has signaled its recognition that the pandemic has now turned into a so-called endemic. The society has a good degree of protection from COVID-19 thanks to vaccinations and previous infections. The responsibility for dealing with the risk of this infectious disease to oneself and others – which does remain serious – now lies with each individual.

Starting on February 2nd 2023, there will no longer be any required protective measures against COVID-19. The last Organizational Decree from 31 March 2022 will be revoked, and the hygiene concepts contained within for teaching and studying as well as for working will thus came to an end.

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