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Current status of application procedure

Appointment offer to the first-placed candidate (01.12.2022)

The Faculty of Sociology is seeking to fill a vacancy of a

W2-Professorship of Comparative Politics and Policy Analysis

at the earliest possible opportunity.

Applicants for this position are expected to fully represent the area of comparative politics and policy analysis in research and teaching. They should be distinguished by an excellent research record and internationally visible theoretical and empirical contributions to comparative politics and policy analysis. Experiences in successfully securing external funding, an inter- and transnationally comparative research focus and links to practice are preferable.

The applicant is expected to teach comparative politics and policy analysis in all degree programmes of the faculty (including the doctoral programme). In particular, the professorship is significantly involved in both the BA and MA Political Science as well as in the BA Social Sciences. It is expected that courses can be offered in German and English. Knowledge of the German language required for this should be acquired within a period of three years from the date of recruitment.

The holder of the position is expected to contribute to the research foci of both the faculty and the university as well as to interdisciplinary research.

According to § 36 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (HG-NRW), the requirements for employment are a completed university degree in a relevant subject, the special aptitude for academic work, which is demonstrated by the quality of the doctorate, pedagogical aptitude, which is demonstrated by a corresponding previous education or is exceptionally determined in the appointment procedure, as well as additional academic achievements, which are exclusively and comprehensively evaluated in the appointment procedure.

Applications from suitable severely disabled persons and persons with equivalent disabilities are expressly encouraged.

Bielefeld University has received several awards for its success in equal opportunities and is certified as a family-friendly university. It welcomes applications from women. This is particularly true in the academic field as well as in technology, IT and crafts. It handles applications in accordance with the State Equal Opportunities Act.

Relevant application documents (cover letter, full curriculum vitae, list of publications with identification of up to 10 most important publications, a list of courses and acquired external grants, a two-page research and teaching concept) and three publications (including at least two journal articles) should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file.

Please send your documents by February 25, 2022 to:

Bielefeld University

Dean of the Faculty of Sociology

PO Box 10 01 31

D-33501 Bielefeld


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