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A career in science

Lecture Hall
Bielefeld University

Scientific staff

Promoting interdisciplinary top-level research

Bielefeld University sees itself as a research-strong university in the top quarter of the national competitive field with an international reputation. Our research profile results from four strategic thematic research areas that focus on the major issues of our time. All focuses of research are interdisciplinary and involve various departments and central academic institutes. High-calibre interdisciplinary research is carried out here, particularly in the context of targeted third-party funded projects. The strategic focuses of research are focussed on cutting-edge basic research. They offer important points of reference for possible applications and issues in business and society, in line with the Bielefeld principle of "Transcending Boundaries".

Designing high-quality teaching

Good teaching is crucial for academic success. At Bielefeld University, good teaching means activating students' personal responsibility, taking them seriously as people with their diverse backgrounds, origins and interests and treating each other fairly, respectfully and transparently. Teaching staff, instructors, lectures are role models and convey values such as moral courage, respect, a sense of responsibility and commitment. With this understanding of teaching, Bielefeld University prepares students for careers in various professional fields - on the national and international labour market. In addition to specialised knowledge and methodological skills, research-oriented teaching enables students to think critically and analytically and promotes the ability to reflect and problem-solve.

Become part of our science, e.g. as a:

  • PhD student,
  • postdoctoral researcher,
  • departmental teaching staff
  • or in the areas of coordination and project management

in the respective departments, central academic institutes or as part of third-party funded projects.

Voices from the university

Dr Julia Andres

Stimulating and supportive

PD Dr Torsten Strulik, Teaching staff, instructors, lectures (Faculty of Sociology)

Aerial view Campus Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University

"I have been associated with Bielefeld University for around 30 years - first as a sociology student, then in various research and teaching roles at the Faculty of Sociology. The university has always offered me a very stimulating, supportive and appreciative working environment. After my exams, doctorate/Phd studies, post-doctoral habilitation, a Heisenberg scholarship, the acquisition and management of two third-party funded projects, research visits to Warwick and Berkeley, a temporary professorship and responsible involvement in the 'getting started.' programme to improve study conditions and the quality of teaching, I have been working as a departmental teaching staff member in the Department of General Sociology and Sociological Theory since 2018. I have received competent support from the university in many ways for 26 years now.

I would like to emphasise, for example, the university's measures to reconcile family and appointment and the associated provision of a childcare place in the exemplary company daycare centre. As part of my research activities, I have always received excellent support from both the Department of Research Funding and Transfer and the administration of the Faculty of Sociology when applying for, carrying out and managing third-party funded projects. For some years now, as a primarily teaching staff member, I have particularly appreciated the academic achievements of the Centre for Teaching and Learning [Centre for teaching and learning]. In my experience, the offers for further education, peer learning and the design of effective teaching-learning arrangements contribute greatly to improving the quality of teaching. It's not just the students who benefit from this. I particularly enjoy my work when I see that the students find their way into the subject well, learn sustainably, complete their studies with success and gain a wide range of appointments."

PD Dr Torsten Strulik

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