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  • Job Opportunities

    Campus der Universität Bielefeld
    © Universität Bielefeld

The Faculty of Educational Science at Bielefeld University is one of the leading institutions in the field of educational science and teacher training. It is interdisciplinary anchored in Bielefeld University and is building its international network with high priority. With this focus on innovation, interdisciplinarity and internationality, the following professorship is to be filled as soon as possible.

Professor (W3) for Educational Science with a focus on socialization and conflict research

As the position holder, you will represent interdisciplinary socialization and conflict study in research and teaching (teacher training and BA/MA Educational Science), anchored at the AG Socialization in the Faculty of Educational Science. The faculty expects a profile of interdisciplinary research in the contexts of political socialization, conflict, discrimination, and inequality, which will be continued and further developed theoretically and concerning empirical fields and questions.

For this purpose, a responsible collaboration in the AG Socialization of the Faculty of Educational Science and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Conflict and Violence Research (IKG) is intended alongside the Conflict Academy (ConflictA), located at the IKG.

The IKG is a central academic institution of the university in which several faculties are involved. Therefore, your experience acquiring third-party funding and publication strength is essential. With your profile, research and third-party funded projects, and your competencies in knowledge transfer, you will profile interdisciplinary socialization and conflict research at Bielefeld University. You will consider current and future particularly significant fields of conflict and societal problems, and structurally expand this within and between the organizational units.

The professorship is part of a major field of development at Bielefeld University, which is also institutionalised in the Center for Uncertainty Studies (CeUS) and is also represented by a global orientation of the research.

Recruitment requirements for the advertised professorships are a completed relevant university degree and doctorate in Educational Science or another relevant field, pedagogical aptitude and further academic achievements. The appointment procedure will evaluate these exclusively and comprehensively (§ 36 Higher Education Act [HG]).

We value diversity in our faculty and therefore welcome all applications from persons with migration history and different sexual and gender identity(ies). Bielefeld University is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. It is certified as a family-friendly university with a specific professor placement program. It aims to increase the proportion of female academics in areas where women are underrepresented and to promote their careers. Therefore, it strongly encourages applications from relevantly qualified female scientists. Applications are handled following the State Equal Opportunities Act. Family periods will be considered in the selection decision.

Applications from suitable severely disabled persons and persons with equivalent disabilities are expressly encouraged.

Bielefeld University supports dual-career constellations in creating a joint center of work and life.

Applications should consist of:  a cover letter, a curriculum vitae with a description of the academic career, a two-page research and teaching concept, a list of publications with identification of up to ten most important publications relating to this call, a list of courses taught, if available, course evaluations and copies of certificates and diplomas.

Please refrain from submitting writings for the time being.

Please submit your application online via the appointment portal of Bielefeld University by December 10, 2023:



Bielefeld University
Faculty of Educational Science
- The Dean -
PO Box 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld
E-mail: dekanat.ew@uni-bielefeld.de

Please note that risks to confidentiality and unauthorized access by third parties cannot be ruled out when communicating via unencrypted e-mail. Information on the processing of personal data can be found at here


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