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Peter Prestel


The FSZ language-learning program is available to students of all faculties as well as employees of Bielefeld University and - within a limited context - to students and doctoral students of HSBI who register as guests in the ekVV for university courses, for example with "HSBIklaus.mustermann". Students with particular curriculum requirements take precedence when allocating spaces.

Employees of Bielefeld University can simply login to the eKVV using their regular account and choose the courses they wish to join. The BIS created this site to show, amongst other things, how to login to the eKVV:

The program is not available to STUDIEREN AB 50 or visiting students. There is no legal claim to any type of course in our language-instruction catalogue or a place in any of the courses we offer. In addition, even after allocation courses can be cancelled or dates changed.

In principle the following persons are eligible:

  • Regular students of Bielefeld University
  • Employees of Bielefeld University
  • Regular students of HSBI
  • Employees of HSBI
  • Doctoral students of Bielefeld University
  • Exchange students of Bielefeld University
  • Exchange students of HSBI

For individual courses, one must meet certain requirements:

  • Placement test
  • Module requirements

If we receive more applications per course than places available, places will be allocated based on the following criteria:

  • Course priority marked by the applicants
  • Applicants' curricular duties
  • Applicants' date of matriculation
  • Students preparing for semester abroad

Not eligible for courses:

  • Observers
  • Participants in the STUDIEREN AB 50 programme
  • Visiting students

In many university courses of study credit points from language courses can be credited within the individuellen Ergänzung (elective courses). According study regulations up to 30 LP in individual elective classes can be credited.

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