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Who are we?

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Peter Prestel

Language Centre of Bielefeld University

The Language Centre (FSZ), founded in 2009, is a central department under the rector. The Language Centre's head has the duty to report to a board, which has been appointed by the rector.

The chairperson is the respective vice-rector for for education and teaching.

The Language Centre takes on a key role within the university's process of internationalisation and supports students' abilities to act within their field in a foreign language.

Head: Dr Susanne Hecht
Office: Anette Hofmann, Room C01-259
Adminstration: Veronika Magnus, Room C01-259


Telephone: +49 521 106-67962


Board Members



Pro-rector for education and teaching Prof. Dr Dario Anselmetti


International Office

Head of International Office Dr Markus Symmank


From the Faculties

J.-Prof. Dr Sabrina Backs, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Prof. Dr Damaris Borowski, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies

Prof Dr Harald Gröger, Faculty of Chemistry

Prof. Dr Olaf Kaltmeier, Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology

Prof. Dr Kirsten Kramer, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies

Prof. Dr Paul Mecheril, Faculty of Educational Science

Prof. Dr Susanne Miller, Faculty of Educational Science

Prof. Dr Michael Röckner, Faculty of Mathematics

AStA [Student Union]


Reporting to the board
Head of FSZ Dr Susanne Hecht
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