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    © Universität Bielefeld

Balazs Vari

National Institute of Oncology, Hungary - ESR 07
E-Mail: vari.balazs@oncol.hu

Personal Information

Name Balázs Vári
Date of Birth 16.08.1992
Nationality Hungarian

Scientific Education

since 04/2020

Early Stage Researcher in the ETN Magicbullet::Reloaded at the National Institute of Oncology, Hungary.

PhD topic: Analysis of anti-tumor effects of targeted moieties in in vitro and in vivo models – Experimental Pharmacology – Prof. Dr. József Tóvári

09/2015 – 09/2017

M.Sc. in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the University of Copenhagen

Master thesis: Identification of early biomarkers for dementia – Prof. Dr. Lene Juel Rasmussen

09/2011 – 07/2015

B.Sc. in Biology at Eötvös Loránd University

Bachelor thesis: The effect of mobile genetic elements on aging – Prof. Dr. Tibor Vellai


  1. P. Peking, L. Krisch, M. Wolf, A. Hoog, B. Vári, K. Muigg, R. Poupardin, C. Scharler, E. Russe, H. Stachelscheid, A. Schneeberger, K. Schallmoser, D. Strunk, Self-assembly of progenitor cells under the aegis of platelet factors facilitates human skin organoid formation and vascularized wound healing, bioRxiv 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.09.10.292409. [Link]

  2. M. Wolf, B. Vári, C. Blöchl, A. M. Raninger, R. Poupardin, C. M. Beez, A. Hoog, G. Brachtl, E. Eminger, H-M Binder, M. Oeller, A. Spittler, T. Heuser, A. Obermayer, M. Seifert, C. G. Huber, K. Schallmoser, H-D Volk, D. Strunk, Extracellular vesicles from therapeutic grade allogeneic human placental stromal cells induce angiogenesis and modulate immunity, bioRxiv 2019; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/808808. [Link]


  1. Poster presentation “How do leukemic cell instruct their niche to become permissive” at the CCS and CLL Workshop Meeting in Salzburg, Austria. April 2019

  2. Poster presentation “AML-derived extracellular vesicles convey immunomodulatory potential” at the German Stem Cell Network Conference in Berlin, Germany. September 2019

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