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Rym Ben Taleb

University of Helsinki, Finland - ESR 14
E-Mail: rym.bentaleb@helsinki.fi

Personal Information

Name Rym Ben Taleb
Date of Birth 25.02.1996
Nationality Russian

Scientific Education

since 11/2020

Early Stage Researcher in the ETN Magicbullet at the University of Helsinki/Finland.

PhD topic: Targeted drug delivery to primary and secondary brain tumors- Prof. Dr. Pirjo Laakkonen.
11/2020 – 11/2023

M.Sc. in Biomedical sciences at the Kazan Federal University/Russia.

Master thesis: Morphological and functional status of transgenic mice expressing ALS phenotype against the background of disease progression – Prof. Dr. Albert Rizvanov/ Dr. Svetlana Arkhipova.
09/2018 – 06/2020

B.Sc. in Biology at the Kazan Federal University/Russia.

B.Sc. thesis: Use of umbilical cord mononuclear cells for correction of pathology in transgenic mice with Alzheimer's disease model- Prof. Dr. Marat Mukhamedyarov. Kazan State Medical University/Russia.


  1. M. A. Mukhamedyarov et al., Intravenous Transplantation of Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells Overexpressing Nerve Growth Factor Improves Spatial Memory in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice with a Model of Alzheimer’s Disease, BioNanoScience, 473–480(2018), 737–738. DOI: 10.1007/s12668-017-0497-9. [Link]


  1. Poster presentation “Investigation of neurogenesis stimulation ability of cord blood mononuclear cells, overexpressing nerve growth factors, to correct impaired functions in app / ps1 transgenic mice with a model of Alzheimer's disease” at the - International Scientific Conference-School of Young Scientists "Brain Diseases: A Challenge of the XXI Century" in Kazan, Russia, 16.05.2018.

  2. Conference presentation “Alzheimer's disease” at the IV All-Russian Scientific Medical Forum of Students and Young Scientists “White Flowers”, with International Participation, Kazan, Russia, 11.04.2017.

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