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Staff Mobility


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The ERASMUS+ programme enables professors and staff members at one of our ERASMUS+ cooperation universities to complete a Teaching Mobility or a Training Mobility at the Faculty of Educational Science at Bielefeld University.


The Faculty of Educational Science at Bielefeld University currently has ERASMUS+ cooperation agreements with more than 50 universities in different European countries.


Further information can be found below:

How to apply for a Teaching Mobility at the Faculty of Educational Science

If you are interested in a Teaching Mobility or a Training Mobility at the Faculty of Educational Science, please contact

Please also enclose the following documents:

  • a meaningful curriculum vitae (incl. academic career and previous teaching experience)
  • an abstract of the planned teaching content
ERASMUS+ CODE Bielefeld    
Germany Universität Bielefeld D BIELEFE01


The ERASMUS+ programme enables professors and staff members of the Faculty of Educational Science to complete a Teaching Mobility or a Training Mobility at one of the faculty's ERASMUS+ cooperation universities.

Please switch to the German equivalent of this website to find further information.

ERASMUS+ Codes partner universities

Country University CODE
Germany Bielefeld D BIELEFE01
Austria Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems A WIEN10
Austria Pädagogische Hochschule Wien A WIEN09
Austria Universität Graz A GRAZ01
Austria Universität Innsbruck A INNSBRU01
Austria Universität Klagenfurt A KLAGENF01
Austria Universität Wien A WIEN01
Croatia University of Split HR SPLIT01
Czech Republic Charles University (Prague) CZ PRAHA07
Czech Republic University of Ostrava CZ OSTRAVA02
Denmark Roskilde University DK ROSKILD01
England King's College UK LONDON017
Estonia Tallinn University EE TALLINN 05
Finland University of Lapland (Rovaniemi) SF ROVANIE01
Finland University of Oulu SF OULU01
France INSPE Clermont Auvergne F CLERMON02
France Université de Bordeaux F BORDEAU58
France Université de Lille F LILLE03
France Université Lumière Lyon 2 F LYON02
Greece Aristotle University of Thessaloniki G THESSAL01
Greece University of West Attica (Athens) G EGALEO02
Hungary Pannon Egyetem (Veszprém) HU VESZPRE01
Italy Freie Universität Bozen I BOLZANO01
Italy Università degli Studi di Firenze I FIRENZE01
Italy Università degli Studi di Genova I GENOVA01
Italy Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca I MILANO16
Italy Università degli Studi di Salerno I SALERNO01
Latvia University of Latvia (Riga) LV RIGA01
Lithuania Šiauliai State University of Applied Sciences LT SIAULIA03
Lithuania Vytautas Magnus University | Education Academy LT KAUNAS01
Luxembourg Université du Luxembourg LUXLUX-VIL01
Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim) N TRONDHE01
Norway University of Agder (Kristiansand) NKRISTIA01
Poland The Maria Grzegorzewska University PL WARSZAW04
Portugal Universidade de Lisboa P LISBOA109
Romania Ovidius University of Constanta RO CONSTAN02
Romania Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava RO SUCEAVA01
Sweden Linköping University S LINKOP01
Sweden University of Örebro S OREBRO01
Switzerland Pädagogische Hochschule Bern CH BERN12
Switzerland Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich CH ZURICH 21
Switzerland Université de Fribourg CH FRIBOUR01
Switzerland Université de Genève CH GENEVE 01
Spain Universidad Complutense de Madrid E MADRID03
Spain Universidad de Granada E GRANADA01
Spain Universidad de Valladolid E VALLADO01
Spain Universidad de Málaga E MALAGA01
Spain Universidad Isabel I (Burgos) E BURGOS20
Spain Universitat de València E VALENCI01
Spain Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona E BARCELO02
Spain Universidad de Jaén E JAEN01
Turkey Bogazici University (Istanbul) TR ISTANBU 01
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