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Bielefeld School of Public Health

AG 6: Department of Health Services Research and Nursing Science

© Universität Bielefeld

User-oriented health care for people with chronic conditions and long-term care needs

The School of Public Health at Bielefeld University and the Department of Health and Economics at the FH Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences initiated the NuV Research Network pursuing the objective of promoting research competence in young researchers. NuV is funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Research Network is aimed at challenges arising from socio-demographic and epidemiological changes in the field of public health and also in the field of nursing. These challenges present themselves in areas such as prevention of nursing care needs, existing needs of nursing care, in different areas of nursing care and for different user groups as well as in the long-lamented lack of patient and unser orientation. This Research Network should make a contribution to coping with these challenges. It focuses on two main areas:

  • Regional disparities in health care
  • Health Literacy and self-management in different stages of chronic illness


2012 - 2017

Project funding

Ministry for Innovation, Science and Research NRW

NuV Spokespersons

Prof. Dr. Doris Schaeffer, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Hämel
Prof. Dr. Annette Nauerth


University of Bielefeld: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Hämel
FH Bielefeld of Applied Sciences: Elke Rosowski, Dr. Renate von der Heyden


Project A1: Nursing care in big cities

  • A1.1:Regional disparities of care needs, taking into account the morbidity. Current use and trends of nursing care (Prof. Dr. A. Krämer, University of Bielefeld)
  • A1.2:Regional and social disparities in health care. Nursing care provision for elderly women in large cities in NRW (Prof. Dr. A. Nauerth, FH Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences)

In this project, a differentiated view of care needs under spatiotemporal and small-scale perspective in NRW using the data of the medical service of health insurance (MDK) is planned. Existing descriptive considerations will be used as a basis. After appropriate preparation of the data, small-scale analyzes are carried out and differentiated for disease groups (population level). In addition, these analyzes are contrasted in the project A1.1 with the different care practices (e.g. outpatient versus inpatient) on the basis of information on the regional nursing care systems (system level). In the project A1.2 on the other hand the largest user group of nursing care in NRW cities is considered in more detail – that of women.

Project A2: Nursing care in disadvantaged regions

  • A2.1:Nursing care in disadvantaged regions – structures and services (Prof. Dr. Dr. T. Gerlinger, University of Bielefeld)
  • A2.2:Nursing care in disadvantaged regions - user perspective on nursing supply, information and counselling services (Prof. Dr. N. Seidl, FH Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences)

In this project the existing structures and services of nursing care in disadvantaged regions should be acquired (Project A2.1) and are contrasted with the supply requirements and needs from the user perspective (Project A2.2). The aim is, to identify in this way under-over- and misuse as well as existing nursing care gaps. The focus is on disadvantaged regions (structurally weak rural areas and deprived neighborhoods in urban centers). The results should provide guidelines for the progression (advancement) of care. This concerns the mobilization of informal resources as well as the provision of need-based nursing care services and the development of information and counselling structures.

Project B1: Promoting self-management in adolescents with health problems

  • B1.1:Promoting self-management in adolescents with a high functioning autism-spectrum-disorder (Prof. Dr. B. Klemme, Prof. Dr. U. Weyland, FH Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences)
  • B1.2:Promoting the self-management skills of educationally deprived adolescents with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Prof. Dr. P. Kolip, University of Bielefeld)

The main focus of these two projects is to explore the perspectives of adolescents with chronic mental disorders on their own coping strategies and life management. Adolescence is considered as a stage of life in which separation from the parental home, integration into the peer group as well as into the world of employment are important but sometimes difficult development tasks. At that chronically ill adolescents are faced with particular challenges. While project B1.1 adressess the life management at different stages of adolescens, project B1.2 focuses especially on the transition from school to work. In both projects the needs for (professional) support are going to be explored and also analysed specifically for each group of adolescents. Furthermore the potentials of the concept of self-management are going to be discussed for each specific target group.

Project B2: Supporting self-management and user competence in adulthood

  • B2.1:Supporting self-management capacities of family caregivers of chronically mentally ill mothers of dependent children: recommendations for a user-oriented approach in nursing care (Prof. Dr. K. Makowsky, FH Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences)
  • B2.2:Empowering self-management competences of family caregivers of people of Turkish ethnic origin with dementia (Prof. Dr. O. Razum, University of Bielefeld)

The care of people with mental illness provides numerous demands on relatives. Due to access barriers and individual preferences relatives of just this patient group do often make no or little use of professional assistance and relief offers. To be on one’s own, they are therefore exposed to significant physical and psychological stress. The causes are still largely unknown. Although the topic of family caregivers has found much attention in nursing research in recent years, certain groups are excluded, notably relatives with a migrant background and relatives of mentally ill. The goal of both projects is to ascertain the support needs and requirements of these two groups, and to develop nursing intervention concepts to promote their self-management skills.

Project B3: Health Literacy and user competence in higher age

  • B3.1:Health literacy in elderly people with mental disability (Prof. Dr. Ä. D. Latteck, FH Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences)
  • B3.2:Health literacy in the elderly – consequences for self-management support in chronic illness (Prof. Dr. D. Schaeffer, University of Bielefeld)

The project is aimed at elderly people who are potentially threatened by long-term care. This includes elderly people in the later stages of chronic illness and/or with functional limitations and mental disability. The goal of a user-oriented nursing care should be to strengthen their health and user competence and stabilize their health situation in order to avoid deterioration and in this way to prevent long-term care or defer it at least and to obtain participation. To work out the necessary scientific essentials to develop such concepts which contribute to the prevention of long-term care by strengthening the health and user competence is the goal of both projects that are focused on different target groups. For this purpose, first an investigation of the health knowledge/Health Literacy is done by means of (through) a quantitative survey supplemented by qualitative interviews. On this basis demand and target group-oriented concepts for the prevention of long-term care by strengthening health and user competence should be developed.

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