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  • Dr. Julia Roth, Visiting Professor North American ­Literature and Culture

    © Julia Roth


Program pls see here

Organized by Julia Roth and Gracila Vilaça.

Program pls see here


Hiphop havana berlin. Urban counter-cultures and social movements in the Black Atlantic, organized by Julia Roth and Matti Steinitz.

24 – 26 March 2021

Framing Global Contestations Of Women's And Gender Rights (Mid-Term Conference)

ZiF, Bielefeld University

11.December, 2019

Panel 29: Hemispheric Dialogues and Black Transnationalism in Afro-Latin America: Movements, Cultures, and Networks of Solidarity, with Matti Steinitz

The ALARI First Continental Conference on Afro-Latin American Studies, Harvard University, USA:

CULTNE - Harvard University - Movimento Black Rio - Transnacionalismo na América Latina Negra Ep 02:



25.-27. October, 2019

Right-Wing Populism, Gender and Reconsignments for 'Heimat', with Gabriele Dietze, at the Conference De-Heimatize Belonging,

Herbstsalon,  Gorki Theatre Berlin.


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