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  • Medical School EWL

    Medical model of a torso with a person in surgical clothing standing next to it. The staff, people are holding the heart removed from the model.

AG Biophysical Chemistry and Diagnostics

Blue light regulates a variety of responses and is perceived by special proteins, the blue light receptors. The daily rhythm of humans (the circadian rhythm) is synchronized by blue light receptors with the light/dark cycle. The biological clock located in the SCN is set by a blue light receptor as Zeitgeber and this information is passed on to the autonomous clocks found in most tissues. Mutations in clock genes are associated with cancer development and a disruption of the clock leads in the mouse model to hyperglycemia and an autoimmune phenotype among others.

We investigate in particular the structure and the fundamental mechanism of cryptochrome, which acts as a central component of the biological clock in humans and as blue light receptor in animals, plants and microorganisms. Via the flavin cofactor of cryptochrome we can address the protein precisely in time by light pulses. Then, we follow the steps in activation from nanoseconds to hours by vibrational and electronic spectroscopy.

Blue light receptors such as cryptochrome, LOV proteins and BLUF proteins are applied as tools in optogenetics to render biological processes artificially light-sensitive. In particular, these tools are applied in neurobiology and neurophysiology to understand healthy and pathological processes in the brain. We elucidate the mechanisms of these receptors, which besides their natural role is essential for the development and application as tools.

Moreover, we are developing new approaches and diagnostic tools for the investigation of proteins in H2O, living cells and human cell lines. The employment of modern, powerful quantum cascade lasers as infrared light source allows us to enter new fields of application.

For information on our current projects and on our methods please visit the research page.

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