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  • Lehre Medizin

    Medical model of a torso with a person in surgical clothing standing next to it. The staff, people are holding the heart removed from the model.


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current news

Here you will find current events/information.

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about teaching at the Medical School OWL.

My courses

You can find an overview of your courses on your personal electronic course catalogue (ekvv) page. You can also display a weekly view under "My activities".

Clicking on one of the events will take you to the detailed view of that specific event, where you can see the location and time under "Dates".

Alternatively, you can view your events and those of your colleagues via the PEVZ. To do this, enter the name of your or another person you are looking for in the "Search for staff, people and organisations" search field. As soon as you have selected the relevant person, you will be able to select "Courses" and the "Weekly schedule" on the right-hand side under "Research and teaching".

The teaching rooms of the Medical School OWL are usually locked.

All teaching staff should bring their own token to be able to open and close the teaching rooms.

Teaching staff, instructors, lectures must apply for a token via the key allocation system ( Changes to access authorisations must also be communicated via this email address. Members of the clinics receive a token via the teaching coordination of their institution.

If, in exceptional cases, you are unable to access a teaching room with your token, please also contact the key allocation office.

The Skills Lab is an exception. These rooms are not easily approved with the token. Please contact the Skills Lab team for further information or to obtain approval.

The information in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) events corresponds to the information you entered in your timetable forms during the planning process. Subsequent adjustments are technically possible, but should only be made in exceptional cases due to the increased effort involved. Please contact Sarah-Louise Bartscher with the relevant document number.

If you are listed as a teaching staff, instructors, lectures in a course in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv), you can use the electronic mailing list(s) for this course. You can find this on the detail view of the respective course in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv).

The faculty conference has agreed that materials for the preparation and follow-up of courses should be uploaded to Moodle (e.g. presentations in PDF format). Students use these to prepare for examinations, among other things.

As only a few textbooks are module- and topic-based (and many are still geared towards traditional subject-based teaching), it is much more difficult for students to prepare and follow up the content of the courses and achieve their learning objectives without these materials. However, you are not legally obliged to make your course materials available to students in Moodle.


Please contact the Skills Lab in good time if you require materials.

Teaching support

You will be provided with technical support for your on-site and online lectures. This person will be happy to help you set up the technology (e.g. projector and DTEN board) at the beginning of your lecture.

Support for other event formats (e.g. seminars) will only be organised in exceptional cases if requested early (at least 1-2 weeks in advance) via Sina Blome.

Please note that teacher training is offered every semester. If you would like an individual introduction to the technology on site in advance of your teaching activity, please also contact us.

If problems or defects occur with the technology at short notice, please call the colleagues from technology & media services (0521 106-5200). They will come round directly if necessary. The contact details of the technology & media services department are visible in all event rooms. If you have any questions about operating the technology in the room, e.g. the DTEN boards, you can also contact Sina Blome (0521 - 106 67461). You can also find instructions on how to use the DTEN boards here.

Information about teaching

These serve to inform students and teaching staff, instructors, lectures about the content and objectives of a course. Another aspect is ensuring the quality of teaching.

Information about the examinations can be found in the module-specific Sciebo folder. Please contact your module coordinator.

As a rule, documents are provided independently by the teaching staff, instructors lectures in Sciebo and in Moodle.

You will receive approval for the Sciebo folder from the module commissions. This goes hand in hand with the right to upload documents. Please contact your module coordinator if you do not yet have access.

You can find instructions for uploading materials to Moodle here. For an individual introduction to the functions of Moodle, please contact Sina Blome.




The dates will be sent out by the module coordinators. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact them.

If you have any questions about teaching evaluation, please contact Miriam Pankatz-Reuß.

Please create the learning objectives for your subject within the module independently against the background of the NKLM. If you are a module-related subject representative, you will find help with creating learning objectives in the module-specific Sciebo folder. For approval, please contact the module coordinators.

The overarching content and learning objectives are described in the module descriptions. In addition, the content and learning objectives of the individual courses can be viewed in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv).

You can find instructions on the procedure for registering study and examination achievements in this video. If you have any questions, please contact the examination office of the Medical School OWL.

Approvals for digital services

Your BITS login details will usually be sent to you by email as part of the onboarding process. This email has the subject"IDM login information". You will receive your initial password via the onboarding email, which you can use to register on the PRISMA portal of Bielefeld University. When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to assign an individual password. Please pay attention to the required complexity of the new password.

With the BITS login data you have approval for all BITS services of Bielefeld University. These include PRISMA, the Zoom Client, the Zoom Portal, the WLAN network eduroam and the university cloud Sciebo.

For other services, such as the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and the PEVZ, you will need your so-called BIS login data. You can generate these yourself in the password self-service.

At the start date of the semester, you will receive an email with an overview of the Moodle rooms for the upcoming semester. You can also find an overview of the Moodle rooms you are a member of under "My courses".

If you are unsure which Moodle room belongs to one of your courses, you will find the link to the appropriate Moodle room in the respective electronic course catalogue (ekvv) course under "Content, Comment".

If you need approval for a Moodle room or have any further questions, please contact Sina Blome.

To obtain an AMBOSS account and for further information on AMBOSS, please contact the library's medical subject librarian Cindy Kathke directly.

Data protection in teaching

If you are unsure, please contact the DISM (Data Protection and Information Security Manager) at the Faculty of Medicine:

The upload of personal data must be avoided.

If the staff, people are recognisable from the photos, these photos are not to be used in the lecture. If photos are absolutely necessary to show a certain disease (e.g. skin eczema on the face), the consent of the person concerned (patient depicted) must be obtained.

Angebote für Lehrende

Die ZSB - Zentrale Studienberatung informiert und berät neben Studierenden auch Lehrende.

Mit Fragen, die sich aus Ihrem Kontakt mit Studierenden ergeben,

  • z. B. bei Problemen in der Kommunikation mit einzelnen Studierenden,
  • z. B. im Hinblick auf schwierige Rückmeldungen zu Studienleistungen
  • oder wenn Sie sich Sorgen um einzelne Studierende machen, weil diese sich vielleicht auffällig verhalten oder es ihnen psychisch nicht gut zu gehen scheint,

können Sie sich gerne jederzeit telefonisch oder per E-Mail an die ZSB wenden.

Studienfachberaterinnen und -berater unterstützen wir zudem bei Fragen, die sich zur Gestaltung des Beratungsangebots in den Fakultäten stellen, wenn Fortbildung zum Thema Beratung gewünscht ist etc.

Die nachstehend aufgeführten Angebote richten sich an Lehrende aller Fakultäten und laden zur Teilnahme ein. 

Bitte beachten Sie auch die Angebote für Lehrende von PEP und ZLL.

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