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Research Seminar Theoretical Philosophy

© Universität Bielefeld

Research Seminar Theoretical Philosophy

Special guest Kit Fine talks in the Research Seminar
© Christian Nimtz

The main forum of our research group is the “Research Seminar Theoretical Philosophy”. We meet roughly biweekly during the term, and about once a month during the term break, to discuss papers contributed by participants or invited guests. The schedule is flexible, however, and may be adjusted if needed. The papers are circulated in advance.

All scholars and philosophy students who have a marked interest in research in theoretical philosophy are cordially invited to join our sessions!

We meet Tuesday evenings from 18:15 to about 20:30. The sessions are held in X-A4-113 (or via Zoom if necessary).

If you would like to participate, please contact Nele Barfuß via email.

Current Schedule

April 22 - September 22

26.04.2022 Ali Yasar (Berlin) "The Ceiling Problem"
17.05.2022 Gerhard Ernst (Erlangen) "Two Kinds of Rationality"
24.05.2022 Phillip Haueis (Bielefeld) tba
31.05.2022 Sebastian Köhler (Frankfurt) tba
14.06.2022 Fabian Hundertmark (Bielefeld) tba
28.06.2022 Irina Schumski (Tübingen/Leeds) tba

Past Meetings

19.10.2021 Steffen Koch (Bielefeld) "Whither Conceptual Engineering?"
16.11.2021 Marcel Kertels (Bielefeld) "Non-Factualism About Indicative Conditionals: Indexical Contextualism Defended"
30.11.2021 Philippe Biermann (Bielefeld) "How Much Evolution Is in Evolutionary Debunking?"
07.12.2021 Hans-Johann Glock (Zürich) "Conceptual Engineering and Conceptual Analysis: historical and conceptual connections"
14.12.2021 Extra-Session Steffen Koch  
21.12.2021 Christmas Party  
11.01.2022 Marie Kaiser, Fabian Hundertmark, et. al. (Bielefeld) Dispositions in the Life Sciences
25.01.2022 Julia Zakkou (Bielefeld) Power Collapse
13.04.2021 Christian Nimtz (Bielefeld) Engineering Concepts by Engineering Social Norms: Solving the Implementation Challenge
27.04.2021 Ali Yasar (Berlin) Epistemic indirectness in consciousness science
11.05.2021 Philipp Haueis (Bielefeld) Norms of conceptual development in scientific practice
25.05.2021 Philippe Biermann (Bielefeld) Evolutionary Debunking - Its Range and Limits
08.06.2021 Nils Fránzen (Uppsala) Against Mentalism About Fictional Truth
22.06.2021 Marcel Kertels (Bielefeld) Non-Factualism About Indicative Conditionals
06.07.2021 Fabian Hundertmark & María Ferreira Ruiz (Bielefeld) What are causal bases?
20.07.2021 Viktoria Knoll (Dresden) Personal Identity: A Deflationist Challenge
20.10.2020 Romy Jaster & Sanja Dembic (Berlin) Abilities and Agency in Addiction

Lars Dänzer (Duisburg-Essen)

A dispositionalist account of tacit knowledge

Lukas Lewerentz (Oxford)

Situation Pragmatics

Rose Trappes (Bielefeld)

Robustness, Persistence, Individuality

Steffen Koch (Bochum)

Why conceptual engineers should not worry about topics

Fabian Hundertmark (Bielefeld)

Dispositions in the mind sciences

Ali Yasar (Berlin)


Marcel Kertels (Bielefeld)

The Probability of Indicative Conditionals

Marko Wenzel (Bielefeld)



Fabian Hundertmark (Bielefeld): Trouble for Ahistorical Teleosemantics
28.14.2020 (9 am, live from Australia)

Rose Trappes (Bielefeld): Uniqueness and Biological Individuality


Philipp Haueis (Bielefeld): A generalized patchwork approach to scientific concepts (Ph.D. project)

12.05.2020 Ali Yasar (Berlin): The calibration problem for introspective science of consciousness
19.05.2020 Eva Schmidt (Dortmund): Pragmatic Encroachment with Reasons
02.06.2020 Julia Zakkou (Berlin): The Myth of Entailed Conversational Implicatures
24.06.2020 (Wednesday) Insa Lawler (UNC Greensboro): TBA
30.06.2020 Marcel Kertels (Bielefeld): TBA
07.07.2020 (canceled!) Romy Jaster and Sanja Dembic (Berlin): Addiction and Impaired Abilities
14.07.2020 Philippe Biermann (Bielefeld): Strangeness and Charm


Christian Nimtz (Bielefeld): Gegen Überlegenheitsannahmen. Ein Kommentar zu Julia Zakkous Faultless Disagreement.

Alexander Steinberg (Bielefeld): In defense of Fregean that-clause semantics


Ali Yasar (Berlin): Introduction to Extrospecting The Mind (PhD project)

19.11.2019 Matti Eklund (Uppsala): Alien Structure
03.12.2019 Philippe Biermann (Bielefeld): Generalizing Evolutionary Debunking
17.12.2019 Christmas party
14.01.2020 Sebastiano Moruzzi (Bologna): Diaphonic Pluralism - How to be a Pluralist about to Disagreement

Schedule for 04/2019 up to 09/2019

02.04.2019 Steven Kindley (Bielefeld):
Dissertation chapter 5.3 (Problemfälle: Von Zufall, Messgeräten und Tumoren)
09.04.2019 Martin Fricke (Bielefeld):
Fernández on Transparency: Is the Bypass Procedure Compatible with Changes in Belief-Formation?
30.04.2019 Peter Schulte (Bielefeld):
The Nature of Perceptual Constancies
07.05.2019 Jim Pryor  (New York):
Prospective Justification and Suspended Judgment
21.05.2019 Ali Yasar (Berlin):
PhD Abstract
11.06.2019 Fabian Hundertmark (Bielefeld):
Explaining How to Perceive the New
18.06.2019 Sebastian Rand (Atlanta):
Hegel on the apriori
25.06.2019 Marcel Kertels (Bielefeld):
The Intensionality of Indicative Conditionals: A Reply to Williamson
02.07.2019 Lars Dänzer (Duisburg-Essen):
Bye Bye Blockhead
09.07.2019 Hans-Johann Glock (Zürich)):
Pluralism About Reasons for Action


Schedule for 10/2018 up to 03/2019

16.10.2018 Fabian Hundertmark & Steven Kindley (Bielefeld):
Making a Difference in Virtue Epsitemology
30.10.2018 Romy Jaster  (Berlin):
What is Fake News?
20.11.2018 Philipp Haueis (Bielefeld):
Humanities as conceptual practice
04.12.2018 Philippe Biermann  (Bielefeld):
Moral Convergence is Not Evidence for Moral Realism
11.12.2018 Hannah Altehenger  (Bielefeld):
Unorthodox Self-Control and the Divided Mind
18.12.2018 Christmas Party
15.01.2019 Insa Lawler  (Bochum):
Scientific Understanding and Felicitous Legitimate Falsehoods
23.01.2019 (Attention: Wednesday!) Marie Kaiser & Rose Trappes  (Bielefeld):
Reconceiving the Problem of Biological Individuality
29.01.2019 Lars Dänzer  (Duisburg-Essen):
Tacit Knowledge of Meaning Revisited


Schedule for 04/2018 up to 09/2018

10.04.2018 Juhani Yli-Vakkuri (Bielefeld):
Modal Epistemology
24.04.2018 Fabian Hundertmark  (Bielefeld):
Characterizing Contents with Natural Language
08.05.2018 Sergio De Souza Filho (London):
The dual proposal for the minimal conditions of intentionality
22.05.2018 Peter Schulte  (Bielefeld):
Intentional Explanations: Autonomy on the Cheap
05.06.2018 Kenneth Williford  (Arlington, TX):
The Projective Consciousness Model, the Hard Problem, and Phenomenal Selfhood
12.06.2018 Miguel Hoeltje  (Duisburg-Essen):
Show and Tell. Today: Semantic Theories
19.06.2018 Lars Dänzer  (Duisburg-Essen):
The Personal-Subpersonal Distinction Revisited
03.07.2018 Steven Kindley  and  Fabian Hundertmark  (Bielefeld):
Making a Difference for Virtue Epistemology


Schedule for 10/2017 up to 03/2018

10.10.2017 Alexander Steinberg (Bielefeld):
How to properly lose direction
17.10.2017 Christian Nimtz (Bielefeld):
Forget Generalized Rigidity
07.11.2017 Juhani Yli-Vakkuri (Bielefeld):
Modals and Conditionals are Ambiguous
21.11.2017 Fabian Hundertmark (Bielefeld):
Dispositional Teleosemantics
28.11.2017 Christian Nimtz  (Bielefeld):
Why Rigidity (Most Probably) Cannot Be Generalized
16.01.2018 Lars Dänzer  (Duisburg-Essen):
Tacit Knowledge and the Personal-Subpersonal Distinction
30.01.2018 Steven Kindley  (Bielefeld):
Fähigkeiten, Charaktertugenden und anspruchsvolles Wissen


Schedule for 04/2017 up to 09/2017

18.04.2017 Fabian Hundertmark  (Bielefeld):
Etiological Teleosemantics
02.05.2017 Christian Nimtz  (Bielefeld):
Paradigm Terms and Scientific Identifications. How Science and Semantics Settle the Issue of Natural Kind Essentialism
09.05.2017 Mark Textor  (London):
From Correct Judgement to True Content: Brentano’s Take on Truth
23.05.2017 Lars Dänzer  (Duisburg-Essen):
Tacit Knowledge: A Superficialist Account
30.05.2017 Peter Schulte  (Bielefeld):
Willensfreiheit als philosophisches Problem
06.06.2017 Inga Bones  (Erlangen-Nürnberg):
Contextualist Treatments of the Sorites Paradox
20.06.2017 Beate Krickel  (Bochum):
Phenomena in the Life Sciences
27.06.2017 Steven Kindley  (Bielefeld):
Die Tugendverlässlichkeitstheorie als Theorie des Wissens
04.07.2017 Ansgar Beckermann  (Bielefeld) and Romy Jaster (Berlin):
Fähigkeitsbasierte Freiheitstheorien und das Problem des Determinismus
25.07.2017 Insa Lawler  (Duisburg-Essen):
Knowing Why and Explanatory Knowing How


Schedule for 10/2016 up to 03/2017

18.10.2016 Andrea Kruse (Osnabrück):
Epistemischer Konsequentialismus
08.11.2016 Peter Schulte (Bielefeld):
Perceptual Constancies: A Naturalistic Account
15.11.2016 Fabian Hundertmark (Bielefeld):
What is Teleosemantics?
29.11.2016 Steven Kindley (Bielefeld):
Die traditionelle Erkenntnistheorie und ihre Herausforderer
06.12.2016 Lars Dänzer (Duisburg-Essen):
On "Rational Reconstruction" in Pragmatics
13.12.2016 Jens Kipper (Köln):
When Lingens Meets Frege – Communication without Common Ground
21.12.2016 Peter Fritz (Oslo):
The Consistency of Structured Propositions
10.01.2017 Marie Kaiser (Bielefeld):
ENCODE and the Parthood-Question
24.01.2017 Inga Bones (Bielefeld):
Contextualist Treatments of the Sorites Paradox
07.02.2017 Insa Lawler (Duisburg-Essen):
Is Knowledge-Why Gradable?
28.03.2017 Ansgar Beckermann  (Bielefeld):


Schedule for 04/2016 up to 09/2016

26.04.16 Lars Dänzer  (Duisburg-Essen):
Semantics, Pragmatics and the Explanation of Utterance Interpretation
10.05.16 Steven Kindley  (Bielefeld):
John Grecos Tugenderkenntnistheorie - Wissen als Errungenschaft
07.06.16 Fabian Hundertmark  (Bielefeld):
The Epistemic Argument for Naturalism

Kit Fine  (New York):
Workshop on Truthmaker Semantics


28.06.16 Romy Jaster  (Berlin):
Can and Can't - A Paradox of Time Travel Revisited
05.07.16 Peter Schulte  (Bielefeld/Zürich):
Willensfreiheit und Aufmerksamkeit bei Descartes
19.07.16 Insa Lawler  (Duisburg-Essen):
How do idealizing models provide understanding-why?
30.08.16 Wolfgang Schwarz  (Edinburgh):
Semantic Possibility
19.09.16 Christian Nimtz  (Bielefeld):
Armchair Speculation and Contingent Truths in the Philosophy of Mind


Schedule for 09/2015 up to 03/2016

5.10.15 Steven Kindley (Bielefeld):
Epistemische Normativität
20.10.15 Christian Nimtz (Bielefeld):
Two-Dimensional Semantics
10.11.15 Massimo Carrara (Padua) & Vittorio Morato (Padua):
Semantic and Epistemic Compatibilism
24.11.15 Peter Schulte (Bielefeld/Zürich):
Implications for the Content Question
8.12.15 Romy Jaster (HU Berlin):
The Success View Extended - Non-Agentive Abilities
22.12.15 Anna Nuspliger (Osnabrück):
Hirsch's Characterization of Verbal Disputes
12.1.16 Fabian Hundertmark (Bielefeld):
Contents, Directions of Fit, Representationalism and Naturalized Semantics
26.1.16 Almut v. Wedelstaedt (Bielefeld):
Natürliche Moralbegründungen
9.2.16 David Löwenstein (Münster):
What is a Regress Objection?


Schedule for 03/2015 up to 07/2015

18.3.15 Steven Kindley  (Bielefeld):
Virtue Epistemology and Cases of Environmental Epistemic Luck

Tim  Henning  (Stuttgart):
Belief Claims and the Puzzle of Transparency
26.3.15 Insa Lawler  (Duisburg-Essen):
Knowledge Why

Peter Schulte  (Bielefeld):
Tackling the Status Question
7.4.15 Fabian Hundertmark  (Bielefeld):
Misrepresentations and Productivity in Teleosemantics
21.4.15 Lars Dänzer  (Duisburg-Essen):
Utterance Understanding and Belief Revisited
5.5.15 Peter Schulte  (Bielefeld):
Tackling the Status Question
19.5.15 Romy Jaster  (HU Berlin):
The Success View of Abilities
2.6.15 Marcus Kracht  (Bielefeld):
Using Each Other’s Words
16.6.15 Christian Nimtz  (Bielefeld):
Modal Pessimism Defused
30.6.15 Brian McLaughlin  (Rutgers):
Could an Android Be Conscious?
14.7.15 Daniel Milne-Plückebaum  (Bielefeld):
Modal Meinongianism


Schedule for 08/2014 up to 02/2015

26.8.14 Peter Schulte (Bielefeld)
Teleological Theorie - Input-Orientied Approaches
9.9.14 Christian Nimtz (Bielefeld)
Kripkeanism Deflated? Natural Kind Predicates, Reference and Necessity, Again
14.10.14 Insa Lawler (Duisburg-Essen)
David Lewis on Non-Declarative Sentences: Setting the Record Straight
28.10.14 Romy Jaster (HU Berlin):
4.11.14 Insa Lawler (Duisburg-Essen)
Lewis II
18.11.14 Lars Dänzer (Duisburg-Essen)
Towards a rational reconstruction of thought experimenting(Canberra-style)
2.12.14 Wolfgang Schwarz (Bielefeld)
Decision Theory for Non-Consequentialists
16.12.15 Hanjo Glock (UZH Zürich / Bochum)
Is language specifically human? Animal language research and criteria of languagehood
13.1.15 Peter Schulte (Bielefeld)
Intentional Explanations
20.1.15 Discussion: Goals (with Katharina Rohlfing)
3.2.15 Herrmann Witzel (Bielefeld)


Verantwortlich für die Pflege der Seite: Philippe Biermann.

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