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  • Theoretical Philosophy

    Our research group strives to create a lively research environment for all those with projects in theoretical philosophy here at Bielefeld University, or with ties to it.

    © Universität Bielefeld

Theoretical Philosophy in Bielefeld

Our research group strives to create a lively research environment for all those with projects in theoretical philosophy here at Bielefeld University, or with ties to it.

The group is organized around the chair of theoretical philosophy held by Christian Nimtz, but we invite everyone with projects in fields such as the philosophy of language, the philosophy of mind, epistemology, theory of action, metaphysics or meta-philosophy.

You find an overview of the people working here, the projects they pursue, the flagship projects we as a group try to push along as well below. If you are interested in theoretical philosophy, please do so check out our 'research seminar theoretical philosophy'.

Regular events

Research Seminar

Research Seminar Theoretical Philosophy

The main forum of our research group is the “Research Seminar Theoretical Philosophy”, where we discuss papers contributed by participants or invited guests. For details and the current schedule click here.

Joint Research Colloquium Münster-Bielefeld-Osnabrück (MüBiOs)

Once a term we meet with people working in theoretical philosophy from Osnabrück (Prof. Kompa) and Münster (Prof. Strobach). For more information click here.

European Ph.D.-Network in Philosophy

The department of philosophy partakes in the European Ph.D.-Network in Philosophy, a joint scholarly program aimed at promoting the scientific quality and the internationalization of doctoral education, as well as providing doctoral students enhanced career possibilities. The participants of this network are the University of Bergen, the University of Bucharest, the University of Helsinki, the University of Bologna, Uppsala University, and Bielefeld University . The Network is intended to facilitate joint supervision of Ph.D. theses and to foster the integration of the program’s doctoral students into European academic communities. The Network focuses on Theoretical Philosophy, in particular, epistemology, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science.



Prof. Christian Nimtz

Chair of Theoretical Philosophy

  • Works on topics that fall within intersections of fields such as philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of mind, metaphysics and metaphilosophy.
    • externalism in semantics, in particular regarding natural kind predicates and paradigm terms in general.
    • two-dimensional semantics
    • modal epistemology and metaphysical modality
    • methods of philosophical research, with a focus on armchair based rather than experimental methods.



Dr. Steffen Koch

Post-doc researcher

​Main research interests:

  • Metaphilosophy
  • Philosophy of language
  • Experimental philosophy

Personal website



Marcel Kertels, M.A.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Doktorand)

  • Is interested in topics in philosophy of logic and language.
  • Works in his PhD thesis on the truth-conditions of indicative conditional sentences.





Ali Yasar, M.A.
Humboldt-University of Berlin
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Doctoral Student
e-mail   website


works on topics in metaphysics and epistemology of mind, meta-philosophy, philosophy of language, and meta-ethics.

Fabian Hundertmark, M.A.
Bielefeld University
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works on topics in the philosophy of mind

Romy Jaster, Dr.
(HU Berlin)
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works on topics in metaphysics, the philosophy of language and epistemology

Wolfgang Schwarz, Dr.
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works on topics in epistemology, the philosophy of language, metaphysics, and logic.

Insa Lawler, Dr.
(UNC Greensboro)
Assistant Professor
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works on topics in epistemology, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of language

Lars Dänzer, Dr.
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works on topics in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind


Our flagship projects

There are two flagship-projects related to our research group:

The one is the project "Advancing Teleosemantics" funded by the German Research Council (DFG).

The other is a broader project on two-dimensional semantics and its implications for the semantics of natural languages, rigidity & essence, ethics, and fiction.

Individual research projects

Indicative conditionals Ph.D. project
Christian Nimtz / tba
2019 -
Marcel Kertels
Generalizing Evolutionary Debunking Ph.D. project
Christian Nimtz / tba
2019 -
Philippe Biermann
Tugenderkenntnistheorie Ph.D. project
Christian Nimtz / Gerhard Ernst (Erlangen)
2013 - 2019
Steve Kindley
Mind and Function - Teleosemantics Beyond Selected Effects Ph.D. project
Christian Nimtz / Peter Schulte
2013 - 2018
Fabian Hundertmark
Knowing why – An investigation of explanatory knowledge Ph.D. project
Raphael van Riel (Duisburg-Essen) / Thomas Spitzley (Duisburg-Essen) / Christian Nimtz
2014 - 2018
Insa Lawler
Agent’s Abilities and Freedom of the Will Ph.D. project
Barbara Vetter (HU Berlin) / Christian Nimtz
2013 - 2017
Romy Jaster
Wissen, was möglich ist Ph.D. project
Christian Nimtz / Peter Schulte
2011 - 2013
Sebastian Müller
From Intentional Explanations to Representation - Rethinking Teleosemantics Postdoc project ('Habilitation')
2010 - 2016
Peter Schulte
Sentence Understanding and the Rational-Intentional
Explanation of Linguistic Communication
Ph.D. project
Brendan Balcerak Jackson / Thomas Grundmann / Christian Nimtz
2010 - 2013
Lars Dänzer

Latest Master's and Bachelor's theses (only the exceptional ones!)

Evolutionary Ethics. In Search of a Non-Question-Begging Response to Evolutionary Debunking Arguments. MA-thesis
Christian Nimtz / Peter Schulte
Philippe Biermann
Indicative Conditionals - Against Material and Non-truth-conditional Accounts, For a Possible Worlds Semantics. MA-thesis
Christian Nimtz / Peter Schulte
Marcel Kertels
Robert C. Stalnaker’s Two-Dimensionalist Pragmatics: A Discussion of the Diagonalization Strategy as a Solution to Two Puzzles Regarding Kripkean Semantics. MA-thesis
Christian Nimtz / Peter Schulte
Marko Wenzel
The Conscious Brain - Does Attention Serve as a Gatekeeper to Consciousness? MA-thesis
Christian Nimtz / Peter Schulte
Ali Yasar
On the Pluralities of Worlds: Characterisation and Object Individuation
in Extended Modal Meinongianism
Christian Nimtz / Marcus Kracht
Daniel Milne-Plückebaum
A Shotgun Wedding? – Non-Declaratives and Truth-Conditional Semantics MA-thesis
Christian Nimtz / Peter Schulte
Insa Lawler
Kontrafaktische Kausalitätstheorien BA-thesis
Peter Schulte / Christian Nimtz
Stefan Guhe
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