Head of Lab
Postal Address
CITEC Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology
Research building
Inspiration 1 / Zehlendorfer Damm 199
33619 Bielefeld
Picture: Bielefeld University
Prof. Dr. Friederike A. Eyssel
You can find an overview of the current projects here.
Project |
General Information |
PERSEO - European Training Network on “PErsonalized Robotics as SErvice Oriented applications” (project carrier: HORIZON2020, AZ: 955778) |
duration: 01.01.2021- 31.12.2024, role: project partner |
NEO-MILK - Implementierung und Förderung der Laktation auf deutschen neonatologischen Intensivstationen (project carrier: Innovationsausschuss G-BA, AZ: 01NVF19027) |
duration: 01.01.2021- 31.12.2024, role: project partner
VIVA - Verbundprojekt Vertrauen und Sympathie schaffender lebendiger sozialer Roboter (project carrier: BMBF, AZ: 16SV7959) |
evaluation of the robot in user studies ; duration: 01.08.2018 - 31.07.2021; role: project partner
poliTE - Verbundprojekt Soziale Angemessenheit für Assistenzsysteme (project carrier: BMBF, AZ: 16SV7881) |
social psychological perspective, duration: 01.11.2017-31.10.2020, role: project management of the subproject social psychological perspective, see: https://polite.fokos.de/en/home_en/# |
“Psychosocial analysis of sexual harassment: new forms and contexts“ (project carrier: Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, AZ: 27.13.463B) | duration: 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2017; role: project partner |
Research and Creative Project Award for the project “Immersive film as a learning environment: The role of haptic modality touch (Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Eid, NYU Abu Dhabi) | role: project partner |
KogniHome-Project "Vernetztes Wohnen – Die mitdenkende Wohnung" (project carrier: BMBF; AZ: 16SV7054K) | duration: 01.08.2014-31.07.2017; role: project partner |
FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES „COgnitive Development for Friendly RObots and Rehabilitation“ (CODEFROR) (project carrier: European Comission, AZ: PIRSES-2013-612555) | duration: 01.02.2014 - 31.01.2018); role: Project partner; see:: http://codefror.eu/; https://twitter.com/codefror |
Large Scale Project (LSP-01) "Cognitive Service Robotics Appartment" (project carrier: DFG) | duration: 01.11.13-31.10.2017; role: Project partner |
"Rape myth acceptance as a cognitive schema: Effects on direction and amount of information processing". (project carrier: DFG, AZ: DFG BO 1248/6-1) | duration: 7.2007 - 6.2009; role: project head |
"Perceived attitudes of others and men's willingness to commit sexual violence: normative influence and anchoring effects". (Project carrier: DFG, AZ: DFG BO 1248/4-3) | duration: 12.2006 - 11.2008; task: project head |
Winter term 2023/2024
Summer term 2023
Winter term 2022/2023
Summer term 2022
Winter term 2021/2022
Summer term 2021
Winter term 2020/2021
Summer term 2018
Winter term 2017/2018
Summer term 2017
Winter term 2016/2017
Summer term 2016
Winter term 2015/2016
Visiting Assistant Professorship, New York University Abu Dhabi
Summer term 2015
Visiting Assistant Professorship, New York University Abu Dhabi
Winter term 2014/2015
Visiting Assistant Professorship, New York University Abu Dhabi
Summer term 2014
Winter term 2013/2014
Summer term 2013
Winter term 2012/2013
Stand-in professor for social psychology, TU Dortmund
Summer term 2012
Stand-in professor for social psychology, University of Cologne
Winter term 2011/2012
Stand-in professor for social psychology, University of Cologne
Summer term 2011
Stand-in professor for social psychology, TU Dortmund
Winter term 2010/11
Summer term 2010
Stand-in professor for social psychology, Münster University
Winter term 2009/10
Summer term 2009
Winter term 2008/09
Summer term 2008
Winter term 2006/07
Summer term 2006
Summer term 2005