How can bioinformatics contribute to more efficient agriculture? What potential lies in materials research and how can we shape the care of tomorrow today? These are important questions to which there are no simple answers. We can only develop solutions together. This is why recognised researchers and companies from the region are working on the challenges of the future under the umbrella of Campus Bielefeld Research + Innovation and BRIC GmbH, which was founded in 2019.
Power on the rails: this is what the RailCampus OWL stands for as a modern research centre where industry and science work together to develop intelligent systems for automated rail transport right up to market maturity.
Institute founded in 2014 as part of the "Management of Family Businesses" endowed chair to promote the transfer between science, teaching and the regional economy.
From the idea to the start-up: the ZUg supports, advises and accompanies university members in every phase of founding a company.
The intellectual property generated by our researchers is a valuable asset for us. The protection of these inventions or findings - for example through patents or utility models - plays an important role in science and industry. Patents document research results, help with the transfer to market-oriented applications and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge via patent information systems. In order to better recognise, evaluate and protect the inventive potential of their research results, the Patent Service provides our researchers with expert advice and support.
Dr Daniela Rassau
Contact person for foundation and property rights
Dr Claudia Martin
Contact person for co-operation with industry