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"richtig einsteigen."

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Dr. Katharina Weiß

Coordination Data Literacy Education

Telephone: +49 521 106-86547
Room: UHG U8-120

Dr. Juliane Theiß

Coordination Data Literacy Education

Telephone: +49 521 106-67140  
Room: UHG U8-120

Data Literacy Education (DatKom)

Data literacy is the ability to deal with data in a planned manner and to consciously use and question it in the respective context: Where can you find suitable data? How can data be collected and evaluated? Which data can be used and how?

From data collection and management to the critical evaluation and application of data, basic skills are required. Students need them in order to be able to act scientifically and socially in all sectors and disciplines in the future and to contribute to shaping digital transformation.

It is therefore the aim of Bielefeld University to anchor data competence as a teaching and learning objective throughout the university and to raise awareness for the importance and necessity of data (competence).

In cooperation with the Bielefeld Center for Data Science (BiCDaS)  "richtig einsteigen.“ supports teaching staff and faculties in the challenge of developing teaching concepts with the aim to equip students of all subjects with the necessary data competences.

Our aims

At DatKom are working on

  • integrating data literacy into the curriculum as a learning objective in all subject areas.
  • creating and continuously sharpen university-wide data awareness.
  • encouraging and supporting the exchange between teaching staff on the subject of data literacy.
  • creating persistent digital learning and teaching resources.
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