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The Bielefeld Study Model

Menschen vor dem Haupteingang
© Universität Bielefeld

Master’s Programme

As a rule, entry to a Master’s programme requires a first degree (e.g. a Bachelor’s degree) with a focus on a particular subject area. During the Master’s programme, students acquire further in-depth academic qualifications, and if they wish to become a teacher, the entrance requirements for admission to the preparatory training period in a school setting organised by the state government (‘Referendariat’). 

If students are aiming to become a teacher, all subjects already studied at Bachelor level are continued on the Master of Education (M.Ed.). Variations in the study structure for the different types of schools are reflected in the Master's programme.

All variants of the Master of Education programme require students to take a module in German as a Second Language, irrespective of the subject/learning area chosen. Likewise, one practical semester is a compulsory part of all types of these degree programmes.

Academic Master’s Degree

Academic Master's Degree (4 semesters)

120 credit points
Master's thesis

If an Academic Master Degree Programme Master of Arts (M.A.) or Master of Science (M.Sc.) is desired, interested students choose an appropriate Master's program.

Master of Education

Master's Programme for the Teaching Profession(4 semesters)
at Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule', GymGe)

20 credit points
40 credit points
14 credit points
German as a Second Language
6 credit points
Teaching Experience Semester 25 credit points
Master's thesis in one of the sujects or Educational Sciences 15 credit points
¹ Continuation of the major subject from the Bachelor's degree
² Continuation of the minor subject from the Bachelor's degree

Master's Programme for the Teaching Profession (4 semesters)
at Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule', HRSGe)

30 or 20 credit points respectively
20 credit points
Educational Sciences
24 or 34 credit points respectively
German as a Second Language
6 credit points
Teaching Experience Semester
25 credit points
Master's thesis in one of the subjects or Educational Sciences
15 credit points
¹ Continuation of the two subjects from the Bachelor's degree

Master's Programme for the Teaching Profession (4 semesters)
at Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule')
with a Focus on Special and Inclusive Education (HRSGe/ISP)

30 or 20 credit points respectively
20 credit points
Educational Sciences or
Educational Sciences - Integrated Teacher Training for Special Education
24 or 34 credit points respectively
German as a Second Language
6 credit points
Teaching Experience Semester
25 credit points
Master's thesis in one of the subjects or Educational Sciences
15 credit points
¹ Continuation of the subjects from the Bachelor's degreee
  Note: One of the subjects has to be German Studies or Mathematics

The (first) Master's degree ends with the qualification for the teaching profession at Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule', HRSGe). In order to additionally acquire the qualification for the career perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education, the additional (second) Master's degree "Educational Science for Special Needs with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education" is required. The second Master has a four semester standard period of study, but only lasts two semesters for Bielefeld Bachelor and Master graduates. Special approval requirements apply to this Master's degree:
At least one of the two subjects must be German Studies or Mathematics. Other subjects to choose from are: English Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Protestant Theology, German Studies, History, Art (from winter semester 2024/25), Mathematics, Music (from winter semester 2024/25), Philosophy, Physics, Social Sciences or Sports Science.

Master's Programme for the Teaching Profession (4 semesters)
at Primary Schools ('Grundschule', G)

major subject¹
20 credit points
('Unterrichtsfach' or 'Lernbereich')
15 credit points
('Unterrichtsfach' or 'Lernbereich')
15 credit points
German as a Second Language
6 credit points
Educational Sciences
24 credit points
Teaching Experience Semester 25 credit points
Master's thesis in one of the subjects or Educational Sciences
15 credit points
¹ Continuation of the major subject from the Bachelor's degree
² Continuation of the minor subject from the Bachelor's degree

Master's Programme for the Teaching Profession (4 semester)
at Primary Schools ('Grundschule') with a focus on Special and Inclusive Education (G/ISP)

major subject
Educational Sciences
/ Integrated Teacher Training for Special Education
29 credit points
Elementary Mathematics
15 credit points
German Literacy
15 credit points
German as a Second Language
6 credit points
('Unterrichtsfach' or 'Lernbereich')
15 credit points
Teaching Experience Semester 25 credit points
Master's thesis in one of the subjects or Educational Sciences 15 credit points
¹ Continuation of the subject ('Unterrichtsfach' or 'Lernbereich') from the Bachelor's degree

The (first) Master's degree ends with the qualification for the teaching profession at Primary Schools ('Grundschule', G). In order to additionally acquire the qualification for the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education, the additional (second) Master's degree "Educational Science for Special Needs with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education" is required. The second Master has a standard period of study of four semesters, but only lasts two semesters for Bielefeld Bachelor and Master graduates.

Master's Programme Educational Science for Special Needs
with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education
(4 semesters, shortening to 2 semesters possible by credit recognition)

special education subject „Learning“
50 credit points (shortening to
26 credit points possible by credit recognition)
special education subject "Emotional and social development"
55 credit points (shortening to
34 credit points possible by credit recognition)
Master's thesis in one of the special education subjects ('Förderschwerpunkte')
15 credit points (credit recognition possible)

Prerequisite for the Master's degree "Educational Science for Special Needs with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education / Primary Schools" is a Master's degree for the teaching profession at Primary Schools or for the teaching profession at Secondary Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschulen') (one of the subjects must be German Studies or Mathematics). In order to additionally acquire the qualification for the career perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education, the additional (second) Master's degree "Educational Science for Special Needs with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education" is required. The second Master's degree has a four semester standard period of study, but only lasts two semesters for Bielefeld Bachelor's and Master's graduates.

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