Sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence affects every part of society, including institutions of higher learning.It can take many forms, making a conclusive list impossible. Examples include: sexually suggestive, often ambiguous, remarks; repeated physical, seemingly random advances; or the sending of pornographic images. Sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence can be clear-cut, e.g. if a perpetrator has not accepted a "no" and has crossed a clearly indicated boundary.
However, the situations are often more ambiguous. There is a "queasy" feeling that something is not right. Those affected might ask themselves: "What happened?" or "Am I exaggerating and making a fuss?" They might be unsure whether the incidents should be discussed at all. Others want to speak openly about what they have experienced, but do not know who the right persons to contact are, what their options for action are, and what the processes at Bielefeld University look like. The University's Policy against Sexualised Harassment, Discrimination and Violence provides the basis for action.
The first point of contact for all incidents of and experiences with sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence is the Anlaufstelle for Experiences of Harassment and Discrimination (Anlaufstelle Belästigungs- und Diskriminierungserfahrung). In addition to personal and confidential counselling, the Anlaufstelle provides information about possible courses of action within the university and can take reports.
At all times, anyone who has experienced sexualised harassment, discrimination or violence has access to all of the following options:
Counselling: Trained counsellors review and discuss the experiences with the person seeking advice, provide psychosocial support and assist them when deciding on possible further steps.
Report: People who have experienced or witnessed harassment, discrimination or violence can file a report with the Anlaufstelle. Reports can be filed anonymously or non-anonymously. Sanctions cannot be initiated based on reports.
Official Complaint: A official complaint initiates a university-internal legal procedure. If misconduct is identified during the comprehensive complaint investigation, measures or sanctions can be imposed on the perpetrator. A complaint cannot be filed anonymously.
All forms of sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence are prohibited at Bielefeld University. However, if incidents do occur, the university encourages and supports those affected to seek support and take further steps.
The Anlaufstelle for Experiences of Harassment and Discrimination offers:
The self-determination of the person concerned is the highest guiding principle.
Who can contact the Anlaufstelle?
Room: UHG-M5-119
Initial contact preferably by e-mail, response usually within 24 hours
Tel.: 0521-106-67636
Counselling languages: German, English
All counselling centres offer:
The self-determination of the person concerned is the highest guiding principle. A request for a (confidential) counselling session does not trigger a report or complaint.
To whom does the ZSB offer counselling?
To whom does the centre offer counselling?
To whom does Frauennotruf Bielefeld offer counselling?
Relatives, confidants and supporters (e.g. friends, classmates, colleagues, etc.) of any gender of university members who have experienced harassment or discrimination
Office hours: every Thursday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in room UHG L3-119 (direct counselling without prior appointment) by an employee of the Frauenennotruf Bielefeld e.V.
What incidents can I report?
Sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence can take many forms, so a conclusive list is not possible. Boundary-violating behaviour by people (online or on site), sexist posters or advertising on campus (including graffitied posters), cameras in bathrooms or a lack of privacy in changing rooms are some examples for reportable incidents.
Who can report incidents?
Where and how do I report an incident?
What does a report do?
Reports on structural and infrastructural incidents are forwarded to the relevant departments within the university. Reports about individuals are collected. Sanctions cannot be initiated on the basis of a report. An annual review is prepared for the Rectorate on the basis of all reports, and further measures are then decided.
The aim of a complaint is to comprehensively investigate events. The university is obligated to carry out an official investigation of the facts. Any misconduct identified in the complaint investigation will be penalised in an appropriate manner.
How do I file a complaint? What should the complaint contain?
What is an official complaints investigation and how does it work?
What does a complaint mean for (me as) the complainant?
Who can contact the complaints offices?
Who do I contact if I want to submit a complaint?
For the interests of students:
For the interests of employees: