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Help and ­emergency

Woman walking through the university hall
Bielefeld University

Support and counselling and complaint filing in cases of sexualised ­harassment, discrimination and violence

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Emergency Support

Security service / ­escort service

If you feel unsafe or scared, you can be accompanied by the security service on your way to the car park, bus stop or student residence on campus.

Phone ­(internal to the university): 3277
Mobile: (0521) 106-3277
Building/Room: X E0-206

Feeling of insecurity on campus

If your sense of security is affected by certain conditions on campus, please contact the University's Central Control Room. This may involve the following:

  • Defective lamps and bulbs
  • Missing lighting systems
  • Bushes that are too high
  • Paths that are difficult to see

Phone (internal to the university): 7777
Mobile: (0521) 106-7777

Sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence affects every part of society, including institutions of higher learning.It can take many forms, making a conclusive list impossible. Examples include: sexually suggestive, often ambiguous, remarks; repeated physical, seemingly random advances; or the sending of pornographic images. Sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence can be clear-cut, e.g. if a perpetrator has not accepted a "no" and has crossed a clearly indicated boundary.

However, the situations are often more ambiguous. There is a "queasy" feeling that something is not right. Those affected might ask themselves: "What happened?" or "Am I exaggerating and making a fuss?" They might be unsure whether the incidents should be discussed at all. Others want to speak openly about what they have experienced, but do not know who the right persons to contact are, what their options for action are, and what the processes at Bielefeld University look like. The University's Policy against Sexualised Harassment, Discrimination and Violence provides the basis for action.

The first point of contact for all incidents of and experiences with sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence is the Anlaufstelle for Experiences of Harassment and Discrimination (Anlaufstelle Belästigungs- und Diskriminierungserfahrung). In addition to personal and confidential counselling, the Anlaufstelle provides information about possible courses of action within the university and can take reports.
At all times, anyone who has experienced sexualised harassment, discrimination or violence has access to all of the following options:

Counselling: Trained counsellors review and discuss the experiences with the person seeking advice, provide psychosocial support and assist them when deciding on possible further steps.

Report: People who have experienced or witnessed harassment, discrimination or violence can file a report with the Anlaufstelle. Reports can be filed anonymously or non-anonymously. Sanctions cannot be initiated based on reports.

Official Complaint: A official complaint initiates a university-internal legal procedure. If misconduct is identified during the comprehensive complaint investigation, measures or sanctions can be imposed on the perpetrator. A complaint cannot be filed anonymously.

All forms of sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence are prohibited at Bielefeld University. However, if incidents do occur, the university encourages and supports those affected to seek support and take further steps.

The Anlaufstelle for Experiences of Harassment and Discrimination offers:

  • Confidential and, if desired, anonymous counselling
  • Support for those seeking counselling and, if necessary, assistance in the further process
  • Clarification of and information on possible options for further action
  • If necessary, referral to a relevant specialised counselling centres
  • Accepts reports, anonymously or non-anonymously

The self-determination of the person concerned is the highest guiding principle.

Who can contact the Anlaufstelle?

  • University staff and members of all genders of any status
  • Confidants and supporters of university members (e.g. family, friends, colleagues, etc.)
  • Guests and other non-university members, as long as the incident happened on campus grounds and at least one of the people involved is a member of Bielefeld University


Room: UHG-M5-119
Initial contact preferably by e-mail, response usually within 24 hours
Tel.: 0521-106-67636
Counselling languages: German, English

All counselling centres offer:

  • Confidential and, if desired, anonymous counselling (even at very short notice, if a reference to the urgency and the concern is formulated in the subject line of the email)
  • Support for those seeking counselling and, if necessary, assistance in the further process
  • Clarification of and information on possible options for further action
  • If necessary, referral to a relevant specialised counselling centre

The self-determination of the person concerned is the highest guiding principle. A request for a (confidential) counselling session does not trigger a report or complaint.

The following centres offer counselling free of charge

General Student Advisory Service (ZSB)

To whom does the ZSB offer counselling?

  • Undergraduate and graduate students
  • Post-graduate/Doctoral students
  • Prospective students
  • Student employees
  • Confidants and supporters (e.g. family, friends, classmates, etc.) of students who have experienced harassment or discrimination, including teaching staff


  • The ZSB can be reached during office hours in person (waiting area B2-116, UHG), by telephone and by e-mail
  • Website Office Hours
  • E-Mail:
  • Counselling languages: German, English
  • Counselling by a female or male counsellor per request possible

To whom does the centre offer counselling?

  • Staff and managers in administration and service,
  • Academic staff and professors
  • Researchers and teaching staff
  • Student employees
  • Confidants and supporters (e.g. family, friends, colleagues, etc.) of a university employee who have experienced harassment or discrimination


To whom does Frauennotruf Bielefeld offer counselling?

  • All persons, who identify as women (regardless of origin, religion, sexual identity, etc.).
  • Relatives, confidants and supporters (e.g. friends, classmates, colleagues, etc.) of any gender of university members who have experienced harassment or discrimination


What incidents can I report?

Sexualised harassment, discrimination and violence can take many forms, so a conclusive list is not possible. Boundary-violating behaviour by people (online or on site), sexist posters or advertising on campus (including graffitied posters), cameras in bathrooms or a lack of privacy in changing rooms are some examples for reportable incidents.

Who can report incidents?

  • University staff and members of all genders belonging to any status group
  • Guests and other non-university members, as long as the report concerns structures or premises of Bielefeld University or a potential incident that happened on campus grounds and at least one of the people involved is a member of Bielefeld University
  • Confidants and supporters of people who experienced harassment or discrimination in consultation with them them (e.g. family, friends, colleagues, classmates etc.)
  • Witnesses

Where and how do I report an incident?

  • The Anlaufstelle for Experiences of Harassment and Discrimination accepts reports
  • Reports can be made in person or in writing (including e-mail)
  • Reports can be made anonymously regardless of the form of contact

What does a report do?

Reports on structural and infrastructural incidents are forwarded to the relevant departments within the university. Reports about individuals are collected. Sanctions cannot be initiated on the basis of a report. An annual review is prepared for the Rectorate on the basis of all reports, and further measures are then decided.



The aim of a complaint is to comprehensively investigate events. The university is obligated to carry out an official investigation of the facts. Any misconduct identified in the complaint investigation will be penalised in an appropriate manner.

How do I file a complaint? What should the complaint contain?

  • Complaints should be submitted in writing (including email) to the Complaints Office
  • As concrete a description/recount as possible of the incident(s) experienced as discriminatory
  • Any other relevant documents or records should be attached to the complaint
  • A list of witnesses should be included, as so far as there are any
  • A list of people within university who have already been informed about incidents and whether or what measures have already been taken
  • You’re welcome to cc the decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer or the decentralised Equal Opportunities Commission of your respective Faculty or unit and/or the central Equal Opportunities Office (

What is an official complaints investigation and how does it work?

  • The Complaints Office checks the complaint for plausibility and might ask clarifying questions
  • The Complaints Office asks the accused person to comment on the incident and investigates the facts of the case
  • The Complaints Office conducts a personal interview with the accused person
  • Clues are investigated, evidence is examined and witnesses are questioned
  • All parties involved are heard and given the opportunity to comment
  • The Complaints Office informs the complainant and the accused of the outcome of the investigation
  • If misconduct is found, the Complaints Office will initiate appropriate measures and/or sanctions
  • If the complaint investigation does not provide sufficient evidence for the existence of sexualised harassment, discrimination or violence, the proceedings will be discontinued. Nevertheless, it is possible to take measures to resolve the conflict otherwise

What does a complaint mean for (me as) the complainant?

  • On request, all conversation with the Complaints Office can be in the presence of a confidant (e.g. friend, colleague, classmate, relative etc.) or with technical or other communication aids (e.g. sign language interpreter, interpreter)
  • The Complaints Office can involve those people in charge in the relevant departments or divisions. This applies in particular if immediate measures are required to prevent violence, discrimination or disadvantages
  • Complaint investigation measures are at the discretion of the legal advisors - the procedure will not necessarily be discussed with the complainant
  • The complainant can withdraw the complaint at any time during the complaint investigation. This will result in the complaint investigation being discontinued. The complainant can also apply for the proceedings to be suspended

Who can contact the complaints offices?

  • Affected university staff and members of all genders of any status
  • Affected guests and other non-university members, as long as the incident happened on campus grounds and at least one of the people involved is a member of Bielefeld University

Who do I contact if I want to submit a complaint?

  • The Complaints Office consists of the legal advisors of the Studies and Teaching and the Human Resources and Organisation departments.
  • Complaint against a student: Legal Department S/L (Studies and Teaching)
  • Complaint against an employee: Legal Department P/O (Human Resources and Organisation)
  • In the event of unclear jurisdiction, the legal advisors will process the complaint together


For the interests of students:

For the interests of employees:

  • Legal Advisor of the Human Resources and Organisation Department (P/O): Katharina Konrad
  • Initial contact preferably by e-mail, response follows shortly
  • Tel.: 0521 106-87918 


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