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© Universität Bielefeld

Der Mittelbaurat

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Regular meetings

The meetings of the Council of Academic Staff (der Mittelbaurat) always take place at 2 p.m. s.t. one week before the Senate meetings take place.

All interested colleagues from the academic staff are cordially invited to attend the meetings of the Council of Academic Staff.

Invitations incl. Zoom link will be sent to all academic staff by email approximately one week in advance.

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Documents / Internal

- MBR-Internal-

Council of Academic Staff at Bielefeld University

The Council of Academic Staff at Bielefeld University (abbreviated to: Mittelbaurat, or MBR for short) represents the interests of non-professorial academic staff at Bielefeld University in accordance with Section 5 (1) of Bielefeld University's Constitution.

The non-professorial Academic staff at Bielefeld University includes

  • Doctoral candidates and postdocs (mostly: academic non-managerial staff)
  • Councillors (mostly: in grade A remunerated officials)
  • seconded teachers
  • departmental teachers
  • Research assistants

- i.e. practically everyone who is not a professor, does not primarily study and is not part of technological and administrative staff, but is in an academic employment relationship with the University.

The Council is not a "publicly meeting body" (such as the Senate or faculty conferences), but an association representing the interests of academic staff from all faculties. The Committee serves the cross-faculty networking of the non-professorial academics and dissemination of information, advises committees and commissions and submits election proposals.

The aim is to visualise the great heterogeneity of our status group (which includes, for example, very different age cohorts and both short-term employees and permanent officials) and to ensure that the associated needs and interests are taken into account in University decision-making processes.

Who is the Council of Academic Staff (Mittelbaurat)?

In accordance with its rules of procedure, the rules of procedure is made up of three groups:

Voting members are the spokespersons of the academic staff of the Faculties in accordance with Section 5 of Bielefeld University's constitution.

Non-voting members are the spokespersons of the academic co-workers of the central academic institutes as well as all members of the group of academic co-workers elected to central bodies and committees ((university) commissions, committees, etc.).

Other non-voting members are all academic staff at Bielefeld University. Everyone is welcome to attend the meetings of the Council of Academic Stuff!

Voting is based on the principle of one vote per faculty. Voting authorisations can be transferred flexibly and informally. If only one member of the non-professorial academic staff from a particular faculty is present at a meeting of the Council, they can automatically vote for their faculty.

Chairmanship of the Council of Academic Staff

Chairpersons (formerly: "Sprecher*innen - academic staff representatives") of the Council of Academic Staff of Bielefeld University are up to three staff members.

Each year, the Council of Academic Staff elects a chairperson consisting of up to three equal members (chairpersons of the Council of Academic Staff) from the group of non-professorial academics at the university.

The chairs invite members to the meetings and organise the representation of the interests of the academic staff in the university bodies.

Chair team (term of office April 2024 to March 2025):

Dr Nicole Kirchhoff (Faculty of Sociology)
Dr Katharina Mattonet (Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science)
Dr Julia Streit-Lehmann (Faculty of Mathematics)

Mail to the chair team:

Administration: Olga Mantovanelli
Tel: 0521-106-3147
Room: K3-103

Current dates for meetings of the Council of Academic Staff

All non-professorial academic staff are cordially invited to all meetings of the Mittelbau. Just drop by!

The regular meetings of the Council of Academic Staff always take place during the lecture period one week before the Senate meetings online via Zoom from 2:00 to (approx.) 4:00 pm.

Winter semester 2024/25

  • Wednesday, 09.10.2024
  • Wednesday, 06.11.2024
  • Wednesday, 04.12.2024
  • Wednesday, 22.01.2025

Dates of the meetings in summer semester 2025

Summer semester 2025

Wednesday, 16.04.2025
Wednesday, 14.05.2025
Wednesday, 11.06.2025
Wednesday, 09.07.2025

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