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Job Opportunities

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Join us in shaping the new Medical School OWL at Bielefeld University:
Future-oriented, interprofessional, and strong in research and teaching

The Medical School OWL at Bielefeld University intends to fill at the Campus Klinikum Lippe and the Campus Klinikum Bielefeld two Professorships for Hematology and Oncology (W3) at the earliest possible date.

At Bielefeld University, an innovative Medical School with an interdisciplinary individual and population medicine orientation and the University Medical Center OWL (UMC OWL), with the Klinikum Bielefeld, Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel (EvKB), and Klinikum Lippe as holders, are established. We are looking for personalities who want to seize the development situation and its challenges as a chance and actively participate in research, teaching, patient care, and organization. We offer an exciting environment that opens up a wide range of opportunities. You will be significantly involved in the further planning and implementation of the model study program in human medicine (according to ÄApprO), as well as in implementing the "clinician" and "advanced clinician scientist" programs, and you will have the opportunity to apply innovative concepts in teaching. At the same time, you will take on a significant role in developing an interconnected, inter/nationally competitive research profile "Medicine for people with disabilities and chronic diseases". For more information,please visit

The expertise of the three supporting hospitals of the University Medical Center OWL (UMC OWL) is to be bundled under the umbrella of a "University Cancer Center UMC OWL" to be developed, thus creating a university network with 4.000 newly diagnosed oncological diseases and 12.000 oncological patients per year. The bundling and coordination of oncological studies, the establishment of cross-location tumor conferences and the establishment of a joint stem cell transplant center for allogeneic stem cell therapy in its own legal form will form the framework for personalized medicine and healthcare research at the UMC OWL in the future. The future University Cancer Center for the UMC OWL will have a joint steering committee, which will ensure the equal involvement of the three hematology-oncology clinics in research, teaching and care in tumor medicine and promote the university medical development within the field. Within time, also to be filled is a complementary specialist professorship (W3) at the Campus Bielefeld Bethel.

The call aims at personalities with an already established national and international profile who can represent the field of expertise of hematology and oncology in research, teaching, and patient care in its entirety.

The prerequisites for both professorships are:

  • specialist qualification for internal medicine with a focus on hematology and oncology
  • relevant doctorate, and additionally scientific achievements according to § 36 paras. 1; no. 4 HG NRW
  • high-ranking scientific achievements reflected in corresponding publications and third-party funding
  • extensive clinical experience in the field of expertise as well as leadership experience
  • connectivity to the research profile of the Medical School OWL
  • extensive teaching experience and experience with innovative teaching formats in the subject to be represented
  • experience and active involvement in the equality-oriented promotion of young scientists

We expect networking with other departments of the UMC OWL, other faculties of Bielefeld University, and the medical community in private practice in the region as well as a high willingness to address gender- and diversity-related issues for the improvement of the care practice. Accordingly, we are looking for a personality with leadership experience and expertise in the entire field and excellent communication and coordination skills.

Furthermore, the following applies in detail:

Professorship for Hematology and Oncology (W3), Campus Klinikum Lippe

With two locations for the treatment of somatic diseases and a broad-based medical services center (MVZ) structure, Klinikum Lippe is the sole acute care provider in the district of Lippe (350.000 inhabitants) and treats 50.000 inpatients and 150.000 outpatients every year. This year, the Oncology Center was certified by the German Cancer Society. Certified organ centers already exist concerning breast, visceral oncology (stomach, pancreas, colorectal modules), hematological neoplasia, uro-oncology center (prostate, bladder), and skin tumors - other certified centers are in preparation. In addition to the range of actually offered care, the professorships for Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiochemistry, Clinical Radiology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, and Urology have already been filled at Klinikum Lippe as part of the UMC OWL. In the future, they will be supplemented by professorships for General and Visceral Surgery, Molecular Pathology, Gastroenterology and Infectiology.

As position holder, you will head the Clinic for Hematology and Internal Oncology. Here, 2.000 inpatients and more than 2.000 outpatients are treated each year. Within Klinikum Lippe, the clinic has a central coordinating function with regard to interdisciplinarity, trans-sectoral care, and clinical research.

The basic research-oriented scientific focus of the professorship will include the topics of stem cell biology and molecular mechanisms of hematopoiesis, molecular mechanisms of malignant cell transformation and proliferation, and the development of new molecular therapeutic approaches. Clinical research will include the application of novel therapies such as CAR-T cells and immune checkpoint inhibitors, bispecific antibodies, and immunoconjugates, as well as complication and side effect management. Extensive experience as an investigator in multi-center research projects and clinical trials is desirable.

The Klinikum Lippe would expressly like to invite women to apply. There is a wide range of offers to implement family-friendly working conditions. In addition to our day-care centers, we offer vacation care, reintegration during and after parental leave, placement of day-care workers, and help range in case relatives need care. All possibilities and variants of part-time employment are offered and agreed upon jointly between the doctor and management.

Professorship for Hematology and Oncology (W3), Campus Klinikum Bielefeld

The Klinikum Bielefeld - with 3 locations and 2 medical services centers (MVZ) - is accounted as an oncology center in the hospital plan of North Rhine-Westphalia and treats oncology patients beyond the regional catchment area of the city of Bielefeld. In addition to hematology, a key focus is on the oncology of solid tumors. Klinikum Bielefeld was certified as an oncology center by the German Cancer Society in 2021. The well-equipped infrastructure in the areas of pathology, laboratory medicine/microbiology, and pharmacy, with a new cytostatics production building completed in 2021 and the structural consideration of the fulfillment of regulatory requirements for the production of phase I study drugs and the production of ATMPs, supports the hospital's hematological-oncological focus. A professorship for Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology (W3) at the Bielefeld Campus Clinic is currently being filled.

As position holder, you will manage the Clinic for Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy, and you will be responsible for interdisciplinary, interprofessional, and cross-sectoral further development in strategy and implementation. In this regard, you will work closely with the Head of the Oncology Center at Bielefeld Hospital. One focus is establishing the planned joint stem cell transplant center for allogeneic stem cell therapy of the UMC OWL, located on the Campus Klinikum Bielefeld. Extensive experience in the establishment, management, and further development of clinical stem cell transplantation units is therefore desirable. The Clinic for Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy currently treats 3.300 inpatient cases per year and works in the outpatient care area closely with a hematology-oncology specialist practice located on the hospital premises.

For the scientific design of the professorship, high-ranking scientific expertise in a modern research field of hematology/oncology is expected. Together with your team, you will also develop the Clinic for Hematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy scientifically with a focus on individualized tumor therapies, ideally considering the area of oncomathematical issues. Of particular interest is the field of methodological concepts for the prediction and prognosis of oncological diseases.

The Klinikum Bielefeld aims to increase the proportion of women in management positions and therefore strongly encourages women to apply. The Klinikum Bielefeld stands for a family-friendly working environment tailored to your wishes and requirements. We offer an in-house daycare center with the option of bilingual education.

For the appeal applies:

A private-law employment contract with the University is envisaged for the performance of the duties of the professorship. The requirements for employment follow § 36 HG.
The tasks within patient care, including the right to liquidation, will be regulated via a contract for chief physicians with the respective holder.

Applications from suitable persons with severe disabilities and persons with disabilities of equal status are expressly encouraged.

Bielefeld University has received several awards for its successes within equality and is certified as a family-friendly university. The university pursues a committed equal opportunities policy concerning the appointment of professorships, among other things, and would expressly like to invite qualified female applicants to apply. Applications are treated in concert with the State Equality Act. Family times will be considered in the context of the selection decision.

The Medical School OWL the Klinikum Bielefeld and the Klinikum Lippe consider equality between women and men to be one main task, and the future jobholder will be involved in its implementation. Bielefeld University supports dual-career constellations to establish a common centre of life and work.

Please submit your application by 18/01/2024 via the online appointment portal of Bielefeld University:

In addition to the usual application documents and information, we ask you to submit each a 2- page teaching and research concept paper and a concept concerning patient care. These concept papers should integrate gender- and diversity-specific content relevant to the advertised professorship. We expect a brief description of your previous and planned gender equality activities, besides, particularly for the promotion of young female scientists and the compatibility of career and family.


Bielefeld University
Medical School OWL
The Dean Prof. Dr. med. Claudia Hornberg, Dipl.-Biol., Dipl.-Ökol.
PO Box 10 01 31
33501 Bielefeld
Phone +49 (0) 521/106-67467 (secretariat Stephanie Heuer)

and additionally

for the Klinikum Lippe
Managing Director and Spokesman of Klinikum Lippe
Dr. Johannes Hütte
Phone +49 (0) 5231/72-5001 (secretariat Lillan Teixeira)

for the Klinikum Bielefeld
Direktorin für Universitäre Medizin am Campus Klinikum Bielefeld
PDin Dr. med. Dorothea Stahl, MBA
Telefon: +49 (0) 521/581 2040

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