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  • Dezernat FFT - Forschungsförderung & Transfer

    Department of Research Funding and Transfer

    © Universität Bielefeld

Knowledge Transfer and Innovation

The main goal of knowledge transfer and innovation is the diverse utilization of research results and their conversion into a social and entrepreneurial usability. The cooperation between universities and business corporations via R&D-projects is becoming more important than ever before: on the regional, national and international level. Bielefeld University realizes a huge significance in collaborative activities and a great number of cooperative projects with the local industry.

The Department for Research Administration and Technology Transfer (FFT) helps scientists to forge links with local commerce companies and the manufacturing industry, to establish agreements on cooperative projects, and to make scientific research results commercially viable while organizing copyrights and company start-ups.

The department supports scientists during their process of business negotiations and the preparation of business agreements. It furthermore manages information about financial support programs like public funds. If you have a specific question, please feel free to contact our staff via the contact page. Here you will find team members for the utilization of research results, property rights, start-up projects and the support for business agreements.

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