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  • Research Funding


    © Universität Bielefeld

Application Counselling and Support for Third-Party Funding

The Department for Research Administration and Technology Transfer (FFT) as a central administration unit of the University of Bielefeld informs about cooperation options between the university, corporations and other scientific institutions.

The possibilities for a cooperation between corporations, institutions and certain fields of research at the University of Bielefeld are very diverse. The array of activities consists of scientific counselling via our scientists, e. g. for the introduction of new processes or the analysis of technical or scientific assignments and joint research- and development projects.

These possibilities can, on the other hand, also inherit certain bureaucratic obstacles, depending on the project and partner constellation.

For a successful joint-commercial project with a corporation or research project with another scientific institution, we would recommend to contact the staff of our Department for Research Administration and Technology Transfer and make an appointment for a counselling session as soon as possible.

We would be glad to support you in your endeavor.


Contact Persons:

Kristof Lintz
Raum U8-103, Tel.: +49 521 106-2664

Dr. Claudia Martin (in Elternzeit, Vertretung Kristof Lintz)
Referentin für EFRE-Projekte
Raum U8-121, Tel.: +49 521 106-67318

Sonja Kristine Ötting
Referentin für Forschungskooperationen, Transfer und Zentrale Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
Raum U8.121, Tel.: +49-67318

Dr. Inga Marin
Referentin für transferorientierte Förderformate (ZIM, it`s OWL etc.) & Industriekooperationen
Raum U8-121, Tel.: +49 521 106-3963

Ralf Burhenne
Sachbearbeitung Drittmittel Transfer (Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Fakultät für Biologie und Centrum für Biotechnologie (CeBiTec))
Raum U8-114, Tel.: +49 521 106-3445

Marleen Schmidt
Sachbearbeitung Drittmittel Transfer (Cor-Lab, Fakultät für Physik, Technische Fakultät)
Raum U8-114, Tel.: +49 521 106-3961

Tanja Nofz
Sachbearbeitung Drittmittel Transfer (Fakultät für Chemie, CITEC, Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizinische Fakultät)
Raum U8-111, Tel.: +49 521 106-3951

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