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Bielefeld Graduate School in Theoretical Sciences

Campus Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

BGTS Doctoral Day 2020

The BGTS doctoral day 2020 took place on October 2, 2020, as Zoom video conference.

Speaker Faculty Title
Session 1: Theory, Modelling and Applications: The Omnipresence of PDEs in Theoretical Sciences
Julian Hölzermann Economics Pricing (Nonlinear) Interest Rate Derivatives under Volatility Uncertainty
Ismail Soudi Physics Teleparallel gravity: the forgotten theory of gravity
Akansha Sanwal Mathematics Nonlinear Schrödinger equation: local theory
Session 2: Theoretical Prediction
Guido Nicotra Physics The Higgs boson from theory to experiments
Lennart Oelschläger Economics, Mathematics Detecting bearish and bullish markets in financial time series using hierarchical hidden Markov models
Session 3: Mean-field games and interacting particle systems
Marco Rehmeier Mathematics From interacting particle systems to nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations
Jodi Dianetti Economics Submodular Mean Field Games: Existence and Approximation of Solutions
Marius Neumann Physics The Ising model in mean-field theory


The abstracts can be found here.

Program and organization committee

Carolin Grumbach, Jasper Hepp, Marco Rehmeier, Pragya Sing

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