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Bielefeld Center for Data Science

© Universität Bielefeld

If you are a researcher or scholar at Bielefeld University, you might ask why you should get involved in BiCDaS. Here is why:


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BiCDaS supports researchers in applications for third party funding in different ways: i.) We offer expertise on the topics of data, the data life cycle, research data management and different methods of data preparation and analysis. We also have a huge network of experts on different data-related topics. ii.) We can help make contact with researchers from various fields. This is particularly handy for interdisciplinary projects and for getting expertise needed for the project on board. iii.) We can contribute to an application text on topics of data, which can often serve as a trans-disciplinary, integrative element in your project proposal.

We are also constantly looking out for interdisciplinary, data-focused calls that fit the profile of BiCDaS members. When we feel that a specific call might be of interest for a team of BiCDaS members, we actively contact them, offering to coordinate and moderate one or several meetings, aimed at stimulating an application.

Although research funding is important and our main focus, other forms of funding such as teaching grants or travel grants are also considered.

Teaching Materials

Foto: © JethroT– stock.adobe.com

BiCDaS supports data science and data literacy teaching and is developing a pool of teaching materials. These are either shared by other teaching staff at Bielefeld University or public domain third party materials. We only use materials you can freely use and adapt for any university teaching purpose. You might be required to give proper attribution, however.

News Ticker

Foto: © vectorfusionart– stock.adobe.com

BiCDaS members are also provided with news from different fields of data science through our bi-weekly news ticker. We monitor various news sources, compile two- or three-sentence summaries of relevant articles, and provide a link to the source. Get a quick overview and have a closer look if you wish to learn more. New members are automatically subscribed to this feature but my opt out.

External Partnerships

Foto: © BAIVECTOR– stock.adobe.com

Data science is a trending topic. As BiCDaS's awareness level rises, we are more and more frequently approached by external partners, i.e. from economy and industry, for public/private partnerships. We are happy to bring BiCDaS's researchers into contact with these firms, hoping for exciting opportunities to arise.

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