As a member of the German University Sports Federation (adh), we can offer you the opportunity to reach your full sporting potential. For both individual athletes and teams, Bielefeld University Sports, in cooperation with the adh, strives to make an effective contribution as a partner in competitive sports.
We support ambitious athletes in achieving academic excellence as well as pursuing a sporting career, helping them to attain optimum results in their respective sport.
We are a trusted partner and play an active role in the sports sector. We have a particularly close working relationship with the Department of Sports Sciences at Bielefeld University. In addition, we cooperate with the ‘Stadtsportbund’ Bielefeld on a regional level, the State Conference for University Sports in North-Rhine Westphalia, and the German University Sports Federation (adh) on a national level.
On 28 July 2003 Bielefeld University signed an agreement as “Partner University of Elites Sports” together with the adh, the Olympic Sport Hub of Westphalia and the Studentenwerk (Association for Student Affairs). This agreement applies to athletes who belong to one of the following federal squads:
(With the decision of the German Olympic Sports Confederation from 1 January 2018 the above-listed squad groups replaces the previous designations of A, B, C squad).
We aim to make it easier for students to successfully meet the challenge of combining elite sport with an academic workload (e.g. allow more flexible conditions by applying reasonable adjustments so that the student can fulfil their training and competition obligations as well as meet application deadlines or sit examinations). In addition, we strive to create more awareness and understanding among teaching staff about the challenges involved in balancing sporting and academic demands.
Elite athletes who wish to benefit from these special regulations are required to sign a contract with the University, in which they also agree to uphold the obligations specified therein. This reciprocal agreement is intended to establish a close and intensive working relationship between all the institutions and persons involved.