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How to participate

© Universität Bielefeld

How to participate

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If you have any questions about registering for competitions, please contact us directly Hochschulsport Servicebüro or send us an e-mail


To register as a student or staff member of Bielefeld University for competition events run by the German University Sports Federation (adh) you will need to contact the University Sports office who process the registration on your behalf.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • Main contact person, with name, email address and telephone number
  • Number of participants with name, competition event(s) and weight classes if applicable, e.g.: Müller, Lisa; DHM Judo team and individual competition (women), weight category -57kg
  • Name, place and competition dates

Please submit your registration to arrive in good time before the deadline set by the German University Sports Federation (adh) to allow at least five working days for the University Sports office to process your registration. The main contact person will receive a confirmation of registration my email from the University Sports office, which must be checked immediately for any errors. If no (further) corrections are submitted by the main contact person(s), then the registration will be considered binding.


Covering of costs and fees 

University Sports can only cover the cost of registration fees of participants for adh events if the above registration procedure is followed. University Sports can also absorb accommodation costs up until the point when the annual budget set out for this purpose is exhausted. As a guideline, we refer to the estimates supplied by the adh for suitable overnight accommodation for participants. University Sports can also contribute to travel costs to and from the competition venue if it is located outside of North-Rhine Westphalia.  


Accommodation as well as travel to and from the event will only be covered after prior consultation and confirmation by the University Sports office and submission of the relevant receipts. Unauthorised bookings will be charged to the main contact person or the participant/s.

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