The joint project " Nursing Treasures: Identification, Visualization and Transfer of Family Innovations from Everyday Life with Children in Need of Care has started its first project phase under the leadership of the network coordinator Isabel Zorn.
Often, parents of children in need of care are unprepared when confronted with a care situation and the accompanying hurdles of care-centered daily life. Over time, however, self-organized care communities in the home care of children in need of care accumulate a considerable treasure trove of tried-and-tested innovations that serve to ease the burden of everyday family caregiving. However, these so-called care treasures have not yet been formalized and are thus inaccessible.
Within the framework of the projects, these knowledge treasures of the care communities are now to be recovered and made publicly accessible in close cooperation between parents and researchers. Similar to social networks, research and networking will be made possible via a visual interface. The goal is to provide relief and participation for young caregiving families in their daily caregiving routine as well as during vacations and leisure time. The platform arranges the finding of ideas and the exchange through search or random visual 'stumbling' on unexpected care ideas. Especially new caregivers get access to otherwise inaccessible even non-medical knowledge of everyday coping.
In addition to four other cooperation partnersas well as a citizens' advisory board consisting of stakeholders related to informal care, Bielefeld University is also participating in the project. With their expertise on topics such as digital accessibility, employees of the ZAB Central Accessibility Office, headed by Michael Johannfunke, will develop the platform's media concept as well as the accessibility of the digital panopticon.