As part of Bielefeld University’s 50th anniversary celebrations, the student conference “Student Research: Students Doing Science” was held on Thursday, November 14th. More than 40 students from 16 different disciplines presented their research in talks and poster presentations.
The conference began with words of welcome from Gerhard Sagerer, Rector of Bielefeld University, and a keynote talk from Mira Püschel, a student in educational science, and Leila Angod, a sociologist, on the topic of “Knowledge Production with Students in the Academy: The Ethics and Politics of Being in Relationship Through Research and Teaching.”
This opening was then followed by nine panels throughout the day, for a total of 22 talks. The panel structure encouraged questions and discussion, and participants made active use of these opportunities to dialogue with researchers. At the Poster session in the afternoon, presenters first did a Posterslam to drum up interest in their posters, and after this, visitors had the chance to talk with seven of the poster presenters about their work.
The conference program was rounded out with an input-talk by sociology student Justus Rahm on student journalism and closing remarks by Andrea Frank, head of the Center for Teaching and Learning. (Detailed information on the program is available in the program overview and program booklet further down on this page).
Conference presenters, organizers, and panel chairs enjoyed a great end to a great day over pizza and a special keg of anniversary beer donated by the campus brewery.
We thank everyone who helped make this conference a success – from presenters to conference visitors, organizers and helpers. We were thrilled to host some 300 conference attendees, a number that speaks to the great deal of interest in student research. We’re so pleased that the first student conference at Bielefeld University was nothing short of a complete success.