The ZKJF has its own longstanding book series in the field of youth research ("Jugendforschung" ("Youth Research"), published by Beltz Juventa Verlag). Several Members of the ZKJF are actively involved in editing book series and journals within the field of childhood and youth research. Notably, Helga Kelle has been the editor of the series "Kindheiten – Neue Folge" ("Childhoods – New Series"), published by Beltz Juventa Verlag since 2017. From July 2020 to July 2023, Helga Kelle was managing editor of the Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation (ZSE; Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization; published by Beltz Juventa), Editors: Stephan Dahmen (2020-2022) and Sabine Kaiser (2022-2023). Helga Kelle and Frederick de Moll are part of the editorial team.
The series "Jugendforschung" ("Youth Research"), published by Beltz Juventa, is a central publication with a longstanding tradition at the Centre for Childhood and Youth Studies. The series features innovative empirical and theoretical works related to youth research. It examines both structural features of the life phase, such as the frequently discussed question of the temporal placement of youth within biographies, and individual youth cultural and scene-specific phenomena.
Series Editors: Andresen, Sabine/Bauer, Ullrich/Hinrichsen, Merle/Schierbaum, Anja/Zick, Andreas. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (to the Publishing Company)
Series Ed.: Kelle, Helga. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (to the Publishing Company)