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Bielefeld School of Public Health

AG 6: Department of Health Services Research and Nursing Science 

© Universität Bielefeld

förges 4: Strengthening eHealth Literacy among older people

Digital change is now impacting all areas of life and society and is also increasingly becoming part of the healthcare sector. The digitalization of the health care system has led to a multitude of digital health applications in various forms and the way and access to digital health information has also changed. 90% of all German households have internet access and use internet-based applications for more than three hours a day. Older people are also showing a willingness to participate in the digitalization of their health and there is an increasing trend towards the use of digital services. However, specific skills are needed to find one's way in the digitalized health care system. These are summarized under the term "eHealth Literacy". eHealth Literacy can contribute to maintaining health, coping with chronic illness and has the potential to strengthen the autonomy and participation of the target population.

The aim of the project is

  1.  to investigate how interventions to promote eHealth Literacy among older people with health impairments need have to be designed and to determine the specific characteristics that have to be considered,
  2.  to develop and test an intervention to promote eHealth literacy among older people at risk of chronic diseases and care dependency.


  1.  Performance of a systematic literature analysis to identify already existing international, evidence-based, multidimensional interventions and good practice examples aiming at strengthening eHealth literacy of older people.
  2.  Empirical analysis of eHealth literacy among older people and their needs concerning a training provision (focus groups and quantitative data collection).
  3.  Conception of an intervention to promote eHealth Literacy in the target population.
  4.  Testing and validation of the intervention.

This project is part of the research network förges.

Abot the project:

Project management and coordination
Prof. Dr. Doris Schaeffer, Prof. Dr. Annett Horn

Project team
Nina Lüke, Lara Sommer

Project partner
Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband e. V. Bielefeld (Workers' Welfare Association, district chapter Bielefeld (AWO)


04/2018 bis 03/2021

Project funding
Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege NRW


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