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British and American ­Studies / Anglistik

Campus der Universität Bielefeld

Anglistik Bielefeld

Welcome to the Department of British and American Studies (Anglistik) at Bielefeld University!

Our strong, international, English-speaking program offers degrees at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and our research covers Anglophone linguistics, literature, cultural studies, language teaching and teacher education. The British and American Studies department is engaged in five main areas of research and teaching:

  • English Linguistics
  • British Studies (Literature and Culture)
  • North American Studies (Literature and Culture)
  • American Studies with focus on Gender Studies
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Besides Britain and North America (USA and Canada), the department's teaching and research activities in these fields also include the language, literatures and cultures of English-speaking Africa, Australia, the Caribbean, India, Ireland, and New Zealand. Please consult the individual section pages at the top of this page to learn more about each section's research and teaching foci and the range of their national and international collaborations.

Our department is committed to using English in every possible context. Our classes and research activities (in as wide a range of topics as narratology, cultural studies of music, black America, postmodernism, film studies, gender studies, morphology, childhood studies, critical game studies, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), migration and conflict, and creative writing) are not only about English but also in English.

If you plan to join us for a BA or a MA degree in Anglistik or to complete your doctoral studies with us, please consult the relevant pages on our website, get in touch with the program advisers, and apply in the forthcoming round of applications!

For an overview of the scope of the seminars we offer in English, please check the Anglistik entries in the university’s electronic course catalog eKVV.

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