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Heritage of Afro-Curaçaoan Storytelling in the Caribbean

For this year´s theme "the Caribbean-Archipelago of Cultures", we were eager explore Curaçao diversity and its music scene through Tambú, a rhythm that has its roots in slavery. From traditional Tambú to Tambutronic, we will explore what place Tambú has in the lives of the people who perform it and explain what is behind the lyrics.

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Entrelazamiento entre el racismo centroamericano y el antisemitismo alemán

A nivel conceptual, el proyecto logra combinar un componente narrativo, basado en el diario de Wilhelm Marr, y un componente analítico que refleja críticamente la organización del discurso del antisemitismo moderno en el texto, y en Alemania.

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The News Coverage of Nicaragua in The New York Times
(Radio Feature)

It is time to face the global ignorance towards a region which is often missed: Central America. In this radio feature we have put the spotlight on Nicaragua and its historically complex relationship with the USA and their mass media. As a worldwide known and maybe the most elite newspaper, The New York Times is shaping the perceptions of millions of readers through a distinct way of coverage. By investigating the news coverage of the renowned daily concerning Nicaragua, we took into consideration political, social, and economic aspects as well as the working principles and routines within the media. The results of our research have been supported by the views of José Carlos Lozano, PhD of Journalism at the Texas A & M International University, who kindly participated in our interview.

This radio feature was produced by the following students of Inter-American Studies in the context of the course “Globalization and the Americas” at the University of Bielefeld: Alice Andreola, Laura Balmer, Verena Bax, Lina Dybowski and Susanne Herrmann.



Over the course of the winter semester 2013/2014, our group created this radio feature in the context of the seminar “Globalization and the Americas” at Bielefeld University.

The main focus of this project is the recent economic boom and its impact on Brazil’s politics, economy, and society. One of our guiding questions was “Who profits from the boom and who doesn’t?” Among other topics, we engage with the disparity between the country’s international image and everyday life in Brazil, including the concept of “racial democracy.”



The Mexican government has granted mining concessions to mining companies that affect some 70% of the Wirikuta sacred territory. Twenty-two of those concessions belong to the First Majestic Silver, a mining company from Canada. This is the struggle of the Huichol. This project was created in the context of “Doing the Rights Thing in the Americas.”


After the coup in 1973, many Chileans were forced to leave their country. About 7000 of them came to Germany and for a few of them exile persists even today.

This radio feature reports on the political and historical background of exile, the arrival of the Chileans in Germany, the solidarity work, the conflicts among the Chileans and the post-exile period. In reference to the course "La cultura y literatura del exilio chileno" held by Sebastian Thies in winter term 2004/05 the following students of Spain and Latin America Studies at the University of Bielefeld produced this radio feature: Lizbeth Alemán, Luis Alonso Sánchez, Tabea Behnisch, Isabel Dörr, Britta Kallies, Zuhal Karakayli, Janna Kübeck, Sabine Möller, Susana Seradilla Cortes und Juliane Steinmann.



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