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  • Medizinische Fakul­tät OWL

    Medical model of a torso with a person in surgical clothing standing next to it. The staff, people are holding the heart removed from the model.

Persons to contact in research management

Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel

  • Icon Person
    Picture Julia Grochtmann

    Julia Grochtmann (@)
    Research coordination
    Phone: +49 521 772-79729

  • Icon Person
    Picture Ina Schniedermann

    Ina Schniedermann (@)
    Research coordination
    Phone: +49 521 772-77051

Klinikum Bielefeld

  • Icon Person
    Picture Janina Noster

    Dr. Janina Noster (@)
    Consultant for the Directorate for University Medicine - Science Management
    Phone: +49 521 581 2044

Klinikum Lippe

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