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From winter semester 2024/25, the Faculty of Physics will have a new interdisciplinary course of study: Medizin Physik
Initial information can be found here.
In 2024, CERN will celebrate its 70th anniversary. Germany, as a founding member and the largest contributor, will honor this milestone with many large and small events in September 2024. In this context, the Faculty of Physics at Bielefeld University warmly invites all interested parties to participate in a fascinating lecture series on CERN70, taking place from September 16th to 20th. This series offers a unique opportunity to delve into the exciting world of particle physics and learn about the latest discoveries and developments at CERN.
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The Faculty of Physics is looking for an IT administrator and an IT administrator with a focus on server operations as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr Olaf Kaczmarek.
New bachelor's program in physics starts in winter term: The Faculty of Physics has revised and further improved its bachelor's programs for the winter term 2022/23. Pitfalls have been taken out, courses have been adapted and refined. There are now extended profiling options that can be individually selected from the 4th semester onwards. Information on the new bachelor's degree program is available here. General info on the program can be found in the online brochure, which can also be requested in printed form.
"COSMOfit" offers an introduction to space exploration with workshops and an Escape Game.
3 - 2 - 1 - Liftoff! The "COSMOfit" project has started in Bielefeld. Together with researchers from Bielefeld University and Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (HSBI), Wissenswerkstadt Bielefeld offers an introduction to space research. More info here
The annual Graduates' Day will take place on Friday, December 1, 2023, in the central hall of the main university building. The celebration will commence within the faculties in the lecture hall and then continue together in the central hall. The Physics faculty celebration will be held at 3:00 PM in room H6.
For more information, please visit this link.
The Faculty of Physics at Bielefeld University invites all interested parties to gain an insight into the fascinating world of natural sciences as part of the"Saturday of Physics" event series. To this end, events will be held on 11.11.23 and 17.02.24 on the topics "Quarks & Gluons - Extreme Forms of Matter at 1,800,000,000,000 Degrees" and "Fake or Physics? - Basic science education in times of social media". More info here.
Further information here.
Biophysicists at Bielefeld University develop filter system to combat microplastics
Watch the "WDR - Lokalzeit" video here