Interim Chair of the unit for Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment (AE 04)
Postdoc Researcher at the unit for Neuro-Cognitive Psychology (AE 01)
Postal Address
Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Abteilung für Psychologie
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld
Building X B2-225
By Agreement
Dr. Daniel Ernst
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Ernst, D., & Wolfe, J., (2022). How fixation durations are affected by search difficulty manipulations. Visual Cognition, 30(5), 339-353.
Ernst, D., Becker, S., & Horstmann, G. (2020). Novelty competes with saliency for attention. Vision Research, 168, 42-52.
Horstmann, G., Ernst, D., & Becker, S. (2019). Dwelling on distractors varying in target-distractor similarity. Acta psychologica, 198, 102859.
Ernst, D. & Horstmann, G. (2018). Pure colour novelty captures the gaze. Visual Cognition, 26(5), 366-381.
Horstmann, G., Becker, S., & Ernst, D. (2017). Dwelling, rescanning, and skipping of distractors explain search efficiency in difficult search better than guidance by the target. Visual Cognition, 25(1-3), 291-305.
Horstmann, G., Becker, S., & Ernst, D. (2016). Perceptual salience captures the eyes on a surprise trial. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(7), 1889-1900.
2023: Interim chair of the unit for Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment, Department of Psychology, Bielefeld University
2022: Postdoc researcher at the unit for Neuro-cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology, Bielefeld University
2021: Postdoc researcher at the Visual Attention Lab of Prof. Jeremy M Wolfe, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA; DFG-funded project "How fixation durations are related to the functional visual field and attentional guidance"
2020: Interim chair of the unit for Psychological Methods and Evaluation, Department of Psychology, Bielefeld University
2019: Postdoc researcher at the unit for Neuro-cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology, Bielefeld University
2015-2018: PhD student at the unit for Neuro-cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology, Bielefeld University, and Cluster of Excellence "Cognitive Interaction Technology" (CITEC); DFG-funded project "Expectation Discrepancy, Eye Movements, and Attention"