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Department of Psychology

© Universität Bielefeld

AE01: Neuro-Cognitive Psychology

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Vision Science Colloquium

Next talk from an extern guest:

  • Speaker: Marius Peelen (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
  • Title: Interactions between attention and prediction in naturalistic vision
  • Date: 17.12.24, 16:15-17:45
  • Room: Main Building: T0-145

About the Vision Science Colloquium





  • NEW PUBLICATION: Poth, C. H. (2021). Urgency forces stimulus-​driven action by overcoming cognitive control. eLife.
  • Sarah Steghaus is a new member of the Neurocognitive Psychology Uni and will pursue her PhD investigating the influences of states of relaxation on cognitive effects!
  • Anika Krause is a new member of the Neurocognitive Psychology Unit! She will work and pursue her PhD on the topic "Mental states of urgency in perception and action".
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Osterbrink, C., Herwig, A. (2021). Prediction of complex stimuli across saccades. Journal of Vision, 21(2), 10-10.
  • Linda Linke is a new member of the Neurocognitive Psychology Unit! She will work and pursue her PhD in the DFG project "The perception of other people's gaze: From the cone of gaze to the projection of central vision". Welcome, Linda!

  • Birte Gestefeld is a new member of the Neurocognitive Psychology Unit! She will work in the cooperation project KOGNIEYE with the Bethel Protestant Clinic (Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel). Welcome, Birte!


  • A research report entitled "'Things have changed': How the Corona pandemic altered the work of a ZiF Research Group" over the activities of the ZiF research group "Cognitive Behavior of Humans, Animals, and Machines: Situation Model Perspectives" during Corona times has appeared in the ZiF-Mitteilungen.
  • NEW RESEARCH GRANT: Gernot Horstmann has been awarded a research grant from the DFG for his project "The perception of other people's gaze: From the cone of gaze to the projection of central vision" (234.000 Euros, one doctoral student and research support).
  • NEW RESEARCH GRANT: Wolf-Rüdiger Schäbitz, Andreas Rogalewski, Christian Poth, Helge Ritter, and Werner Schneider were awarded a research grant from Bielefeld University's new Medical Faculty to study eye movement diagnostics in stroke and Alzheimer's disease.
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Foerster, R. M., & Schneider, W. X. (2020). Oculomotor capture by search-irrelevant features in visual working memory: On the crucial role of target-distractor similarity. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. doi:10.3758/s13414-020-02007-0 .
  • Recently, a position paper entitled "Enabling cognitive behavior of humans, animals, and machines: A situation model framework" (PDF) by Schneider, Albert, and Ritter has been published.
  • Christian Poth was awarded a research grant by the DFG to fund the research project "Attentional intensity: Phasic alertness in visual perception"

News Archive - News before 2020

  • Rebecca Foerster und Gernot Horstmann presented experiments from psychological research about perception, cognition, eye movements, and motor control as part of the exhibition psychoLogisch in the namu. The photo shows Daniel Vogt, the former European champion in speed stacking. Speed stacking has been investigated to understand how attention and eye movements are used to guide manual actions.
  • Dr. Christian Poth awarded for dissertation: 3rd price, Dissertation contest of the Experimental Psychology section of the German Society of Psychology, 2019, Willebadessen (near Paderborn), with a talk on Episodic Visual Cognition: Implications for Object and Short-Term Recognition.
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Foerster, R. M., Poth, C. H., Behler, C., Botsch, M., & Schneider, W. X. (2019, January 17). Neuropsychological Assessment of Visual Selective Attention and Processing Capacity With Head-Mounted Displays. Neuropsychology. Advance online publication.
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Horstmann, G., & Loth, S. (2018). The Mona Lisa Illusion-Scientists See Her Looking at Them Though She Isn`t. i-Perception, 10(1), 1-5. doi: 10.1177/2041669518821702 .
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Poth, C. H., Foerster, R. M., Behler, C., Schwanecke, U., Schneider, W. X., & Botsch, M. (2018). Ultrahigh temporal resolution of visual presentation using gaming monitors and G-Sync. Behavior Research Methods, doi: 10.3758/s13428-017-1003-6 .
  • Best dissertation: Christian Poth received an award for the best dissertations of 2017 by Universitätsgesellschaft Bielefeld. Congratulations Dr Poth!
  • Christian Poth has finished his PhD and completed his defense on 25 April 2017. Title of dissertation "Episodic Visual Cognition: Implications for Object and Short-Term Recognition". Congratulations Dr. Poth!
  • CITEC NEWS: Measuring Visual Apprehension with Virtual Reality Glasses
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Foerster, R. M., Poth, C. H., Behler, C., Botsch, M., & Schneider, W. X. (2016). Using the virtual reality device Oculus Rift for neuropsychological assessment of visual processing capabilities. Scientific Reports, 6:37016.
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Poth, C. H., & Schneider, W. X. (2016). Episodic short-term recognition requires encoding into visual working memory: Evidence from probe recognition after letter report. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1440.
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Poth, C. H., & Schneider, W. X. (2016). Breaking object correspondence across saccades impairs object recognition: The role of color and luminance. Journal of Vision, 16(11):1, 1-12. doi:10.1167/16.11.1 .
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Horstmann, G., & Herwig, A., Becker, S. I. (2016). Distractor dwelling, skipping, and revisiting determine target absent performance in difficult visual search. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1152. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01152
  • Research project "Transsakkadische Prädiktion visueller Merkmale: Gewichtung, Geltungsbereich und Generalisierung" is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. PD Dr. Arvid Herwig was awarded a research grant of 192.770 Euro for 3 years.
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Herwig, A. (2015). Transsaccadic integration and perceptual continuity. Journal of Vision, 15(16):7, 1-6.
  • Research project "Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit und Prädiktion in der fernen Peripherie" is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Dr. Katharina Weiß and Prof. Dr. Werner Schneider were awarded a research grant of 277.606 Euro for 3 years.
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Poth, C. H., Herwig, A., & Schneider, W. X. (2015). Breaking object correspondence across saccadic eye movements deteriorates object recognition. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 9:176. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2015.00176 .
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Horstmann, G. & Herwig, A. (2015). Novelty biases attention and gaze in a surprise trial. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, xx, xxx-xxx.
  • Research project "Expectation Discrepancy, Eye Movements, and Attention" is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. apl. Prof. Dr. Gernot Horstmann was awarded a research grant of 196.750 Euro for 3 years.
  • NOW ONLINE: Special issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Competitive Visual Processing Across Space and Time. Editors, W. Schneider, W. Einhäuser, & G. Horstmann. March, 2015; Vol. 1339.
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Herwig, A. (2015). Linking perception and action by structure or process? Toward an integrative perspective. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 52, 105-116.
  • NOW ONLINE: Special issue Journal of Ophthalmology. Eye movement control. Editors, S.I. Becker, H. Horstmann & A. Herwig
  • NEW PUBLICATION: Herwig, A., & Schneider, W. X. (2014). Predicting object features across saccades: Evidence from object recognition and visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(5), 1903-1922.
  • NOW ONLINE: Theme issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. Attentional selection in visual perception, memory and action: A quest for common principles. Editors, W. Schneider, W. Einhäuser, & G. Horstmann. October 19, 2013; Vol. 368, No. 1628.

NEW BOOK AT MIT-PRESS: Prinz, W., Beisert, M., & Herwig, A. (Eds.). (2013). Action science: Foundations of an emerging discipline. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

  • Dr. Rebecca Förster awarded for dissertation: 3rd price, Dissertation contest of the Experimental Psychology section of the German Society of Psychology, 2013, Dresden, with a talk on Eye movements, attention, and memory processes during sensorimotor learning and automatization.

Emeritus Prof. Dr. Odmar Neumann

*13. Juli 1942 †25. Februar 2013

Mit tiefer Bestürzung und großem Bedauern müssen wir mitteilen, dass Prof. Dr. Odmar Neumann, der diese Arbeitseinheit "Allgemeine Psychologie I" (Neurokognitive Psychologie) viele Jahre leitete, am 25. Februar in Bielefeld verstarb. Sein wissenschaftliches Wirken hat nicht nur einen entscheidenden und bleibenden Beitrag zur internationalen Aufmerksamkeitsforschung hinterlassen, sondern es liefert auch für uns, die aktuelle Arbeitseinheit, den Ansporn dieses Erbe, den Bielefelder "attention-for-action approach", in seinem Geist weiter zu entwickeln.

Im Namen der Allgemeinen Psychologie I,

Prof. Dr. Werner Schneider


With great sorrow and regret we have to announce that Prof. Dr. Odmar Neumann, who for many years was head of this unit "Allgemeine Psychologie I" (Neurokognitive Psychologie), died on February 25, 2013, in Bielefeld. His scientific work not only left an important and lasting contribution to international attention research, but motivates us as the current members of the unit to further develop this heritage, the Bielefeld "attention-for-action approach", according to his spirit.

On behalf of the members of "Allgemeine Psychologie I"

Prof. Dr. Werner Schneider

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