The German Research Foundation (DFG) is the self-governing organization of science in Germany and also the country's largest funding institution for basic research. It is responsible for awarding the funding provided by the federal and state governments to outstanding researchers and promising research projects.
SFB 177: Sozialgeschichte des neuzeitlichen Bürgertums
SFB 216: Polarisation und Korrelation in atomaren Stoßkomplexen
SFB 223: Pathomechanismen zellulärer Wechselwirkungen
SFB 227: Prävention und Intervention im Kindes- und Jugendalter
SFB 343: Diskrete Strukturen in der Mathematik (in German)
SFB 360: Situated Artificial Communicators
SFB 549: Macromolecular Processing and Signalling in the Extracellular Matrix
SFB 584: The Political as Communicative Space in History
SFB 613: Physics of Single-Molecule Processes an of Molecular Recognition in Organic Systems
SFB 673: Alignment in Communication
SFB 686: Model-based control of homogenized low-temperature combustion
SFB 701 Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematics
SFB 882 From heterogeneities to inequalities
GRK 150: Sozialgeschichte von Gruppen, Schichten, Klassen und Eliten
GRK 218: Genese, Strukturen und Folgen von Wissenschaft und Technik
GRK 231: Strukturbildungsprozesse
GRK 256: Aufgabenorientierte Kommunikation
GRK 518: Verhaltensstrategien und Verhaltensoptimierung
GRK 540: Jugendhilfe im Wandel
GRK 724: Auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft: Wissenschaft in Anwendungs- und Beratungskontexten
GRK 844: Weltgesellschaft - Die Herstellung und Repräsentation von Globalität
GRK 881: Quantenfelder und stark wechselwirkende Materie
GRK 884: Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit: Ursachen, Phänomenologie, Konsequenzen
GRK 1049: Archiv, Macht, Wissen - Organisieren, Kontrollieren, Zerstören von Wissensbeständen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
GRK 1132: Stochastics and Real World Models
GRK 1134: Economic Behaviour and Interaction Models
GRK 1906: Computational Methods for the Analysis of the Diversity and Dynamics of Genomes
Research Units
FOR 2495: Inductive Metaphysics (Participation)
FOR 3000: Ecology and Evolution of Intraspecific Chemodiversity of Plants (Coordination)
FOR 5215: Bioinspired Oxidation Catalysis with Iron Complexes (Coordination)
FOR 5303: Digital media in chronic disease self-management (DISELMA) (Participation)
FOR 5596: Unfolding the potential of S-adenosylmethionine-dependent enzyme chemistry (Participation)
Priority Programmes
FOR 2402: Rough Paths, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Related Topics (Participation)
Prof. Dr. Fabian Wolff: Comparison Processes in Students’ Academic Self-Concept Formation