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The Bielefeld Study Model

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The Teacher-Training Programme

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Bielefeld School of Education


Bielefeld University’s teacher-training programme is characterised by its practice-based focus and educational innovation. It was one of the first universities in Germany to introduce practical teaching elements, and has integrated them more closely into the course curriculum. The two experimental schools in Bielefeld, the Laborschule (Laboratory School) and Oberstufenkolleg (High School College), have been a driving force for important initiatives in school reform for over 40 years.

The special and inclusive education programme, established in 2002 and unique in Germany, serves as a model for teacher training in the age of inclusion. 

Which Teaching Professions can I study in Bielefeld?

Combined bachelor's degree with teacher training option

Teacher-training Bachelor (6 semesters)
for Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasien' and 'Gesamtschulen', GymGe)

major subject
90 credit points
minor subject
60 credit points
Educational Sciences
30 credit points
Bachelor's thesis

This programme type with the career goal of Educational Sciences (Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools (GymGe)) combines a core subject (90 credit points) with a minor subject (60 credit points) and educational sciences (30 credit points). Anyone wishing to become a teacher must follow this programme type with a Master of Education for advanced secondary and comprehensive school (GymGe).

This programme type is similar to the structure of the combined bachelor's degree with a minor subject. It is therefore theoretically possible to switch between these two programme types in the first semesters. Early counselling is required in any case.

To the overview of the advanced secondary and comprehensive school (GymGe) programmes offered

To the overview of the advanced secondary and comprehensive schools (GymGe) minor subjects on offer

To the subject educational sciences

To the overview of possible subject combinations for the advanced secondary and comprehensive school (GymGe) programme

Teacher-training Bachelor (6 semesters)
for Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule', HRSGe))

60 credit points
60 credit points
Educational Sciences
60 credit points
Bachelor's thesis
in one of the subjects or in Educational Sciences
10 credit points

This programme type with the career goal of becoming a teacher at Hauptschule, Realschule, Secondary and Comprehensive Schools (HRSGe) combines two subjects (60 credit points each) with educational sciences (60 credit points). If you want to become a teacher, you must follow this programme type with a Master of Education for the teaching profession at Hauptschule, Realschule, Sekundarschule and Gesamtschule (HRSGe).

Interested students can also specialise in integrated special education and acquire the qualification to become a teacher for special educational needs with a further Master's degree. In this case, however, one of the subjects chosen in the Bachelor's programme must already be German Studies or Mathematics and the other subject must be one of the following: English Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Protestant Theology, German Studies, History, Art, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Social Sciences or Sports Science.

This programme type is similar to the structure of the combined bachelor's degree with major and minor. It is therefore theoretically possible to switch between these two programme types in the first semesters. Early counselling is required in any case.

To the overview of subjects offered for the teaching degree programme Subject (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools (HRSGe))

To the subject of educational sciences

To the overview of possible subject combinations for the teaching degree programme at Hauptschule, Realschule, Sekundarschule and Gesamtschule (HRSGe)

Teacher-training Bachelor (6 semesters)
for Primary Schools ('Grundschulen', G)

major subject¹
Bachelor's thesis
60 credit points
('Unterrichtsfach' or 'Lernbereich')
40 credit points
('Unterrichtsfach' or 'Lernbereich')
40 credit points
Educational Sciences
40 credit points
¹ intensively studied 'Unterrichtsfach/studierter Lernbereich'
  Note: Elementary Mathematics and German Literacy must be studied

For this programme type with the professional goal of becoming a primary school (G) teacher, a subject or elementary school (G) as well as the two elementary mathematics subjects German literacy ("Deutsch") and elementary mathematics ("Mathematik") must be studied. One of these elements (a subject or a subject area) is studied as a major subject totalling 60 credit points. The other two elements each have a scope of 40 credit points. In addition, there are the educational sciences, also worth 40 credit points. If you want to become a teacher, you must follow this programme type with a Master of Education for primary school (G).

You can change your major subject in all semesters following enrolment. All you need to do is apply for this change by submitting the application for change of programme to the student office by 15 November or 15 May. With the form for changing major subject (PDF), the current subject related semester is continued in the event of a change of major subject during the bachelor course. An application for recognition and categorisation is not necessary. Special regulations may apply for BAföG recipients; please seek advice from the Studierendenwerk [Association for Student Affairs ] before changing. If you change during the Master's programme, you must reapply for the M. Ed.; please refer to the BiSEd's information for approval for external / further applicants.
Advice from the BiSEd is strongly recommended before applying for a change of major subject in order to discuss any advantages and disadvantages that may arise.

To the overview of the specialisation subjects offered for the primary school (G) teaching degree

To the overview of the subjects offered for the primary school (G) teaching specialisation

To the subject of educational sciences

To the overview of possible subject combinations for the primary school (G) teacher training programme

Teacher-training Bachelor (6 semesters)
for Primary Schools ('Grundschulen') with a Focus on Special and Inclusive Education (G ISP)

major subject ('Schwerpunktfach')
Educational Sciences/
special and inclusive education
Bachelor's thesis
60 credit points
40 credit points
40 credit points
('Unterrichtsfach' or 'Lernbereich')
40 credit points

This programme type with the career goal of primary school teaching with integrated special education (G ISP) allows students to specialise in special education with a focus on "Learning" and "Emotional and social support". A subject or learning area (40 credit points) as well as the two learning areas of German literacy ("German") and elementary mathematics ("Mathematics") (40 credit points each) must be studied. In addition, there are the educational sciences - integrated special education, which are studied as a major subject (60 credit points). If you want to become a teacher, you must follow this programme type with a Master of Education for primary school education with integrated special needs education (G ISP). To qualify in the field of special needs education, this Master's programme must be followed by a further (one-year) degree course in Special Needs Education.

To the overview of subjects offered for the primary school (G) specialisation with integrated special needs education (G ISP)

To the major subject Educational Sciences - Integrated Special Needs Education

To the overview of possible subject combinations for primary school specialising in inclusive education (G ISP)

Teacher Training Sections

In the school-specific Bachelor's degree programmes, the selected subjects and Educational Sciences must be studied. The combination of subjects is continued in the Master of Education, in which the Teaching Experience Semester with preparatory training is also completed. In order to meet the growing intercultural challenges in everyday school life, the Master also includes the module "German as a Second Language".

Students who wish to become teachers for special needs education must follow the Master of Education with an additional one-year Master's degree in Educational Science for Special Needs with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education.

Following the Master's programme, the 18-month preparatory service ('Referendariat') is completed under the responsibility of the state (and without the involvement of the universities).

Integration within the Bielefeld Study Model

Bachelor graduates acquire - depending on the chosen combination of subjects - either the degree "Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)" or "Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)", regardless of whether they studied a subject with or without the professional goal of becoming a teacher.

In order to become a teacher, you must follow the school-specific Bachelor course with a Master of Education. In principle, the teaching-related Bachelor's degree also opens the door to a career outside the classroom and, in some cases, to an academic master degree programme. In case of a change, please ask for advice from the respective departmental student advisor.

Counseling Services and Information for the Teacher-training Programme

The Bielefeld School of Education (BiSEd) at Bielefeld University offers information and advice related to the teaching profession. On the website you will find information for prospective students and students of the teaching profession. Teacher-training students at Bielefeld University have the opportunity to intensively examine their own choice of study or career and the complex profile of requirements as a teacher with the offers of team 'PULS' in the 'Zentrum Praxisreflexion in der Lehrer*innenbildung'. The focus of the offers is on the promotion of observation and reflection skills.

On a separate page you will find all information about the theory-in-practice courses in the teacher-training programme.

The BiSEd staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Overview of all contacts.

In addition, the Ministry of Education of North Rhine-Westphalia provides you with basic information for the teaching profession.

Frequently Asked Questions

The choice of the teacher-training programme depends primarily on who and how you want to teach and support. It is also helpful to consider the age of the pupils in each type of school. For example, do you want to introduce young children to learning, support children and young people with special challenges, or guide young adults to the 'Abitur'? A look at the employment opportunities can also support the decision: Especially in the fields of 'Hauptschule', 'Realschule', 'Sekundarschule', 'Gesamtschule', 'Grundschule', but also 'Integrated Special Education', there are good hiring opportunities. There is also a great demand for teachers in the STEM ('MINT') subjects (with the exception of biology). Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that you teach the content for a long time. So you should be interested in what you teach and study what you feel enthusiasm for.

Estimations of hiring opportunities are available, for example, from the NRW Ministry of Education. However, the data basis for the estimations is only updated at longer intervals. Guided self-explorations, e.g. on the choice of subjects, are offered by the Carrer Counselling for Teachers portal.

As a teacher-trainign student, do you dare to look beyond your own nose? Why not do a teaching experience semester abroad or study abroad for a semester? In perspective of multicultural classrooms and the demands of (cultural) heterogeneity and inclusion, it is helpful for you as a future teacher to gain intercultural and international experience during your studies.

It's worth browsing through these pages.

There are the modules "Internationalization" for English Studies or "Intercultural and Professional Competence" for French and Spanish, in which a stay abroad of at least three months is planned, e.g. in the form of an internship.

Alternatively, however, the module "Internationalization at home" for English Studies can be chosen in justified cases.

In the area of teacher training, special approval requirements apply to the Bachelor's degree for the subjects Art, Music, Latin and Physical Education:

Art, Music: Aptitude Test
Note: In the teacher training programmes, if the aptitude test for art or music is passed, the 'Abitur' grade for the application procedure is improved by a whole grade.

Latin: Proof of inguistic aptitude

Sports: Proof of aptitude

At Bielefeld University, the 'Latinum' is only required for some subjects in the teaching degree for advanced secondary and comprehensive schools. The Master's degree for History requires proof of knowledge at the level of the 'kleines Latinum' and for Philosophy proof of knowledge at the level of the 'kleines Latinum' or the 'kleines Graecum'. In the subject Latin, approval for the Bachelor course already requires the 'Latinum'; for the Master's degree, the 'Graecum' is then additionally required.

There are practical studies for professional orientation with aptitude reflection as well as a theory-in-practice course in the Bachelor's programme. In addition, a practical semester with preparatory training must be completed in the master's programme.

An overview of the theory-in-practice courses can be found here.

(An aptitude internship before course start is not necessary).

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