In the workshop we will develop a structural understanding of racism and dare to look at ourselves. What does racism have to do with me? What does it mean to be "white"? And what distinguishes a white Ally? We will look at the possibilities of acting critically of racism from a white position and, with a view to the work context, explore the scope for action in order to stand up against racism as white alliance partners of BIPoC.
The workshop is aimed at white people and offers an error-friendly space for critical reflection on one's own whiteness in standing up against racism. Space will be given to reflect on felt insecurities.
Speaker: Jule Bönkost, Americanist and cultural scientist, long-time experienced trainer and author in the field of discrimination-critical education with a focus on the critique of racism, critical whiteness and white allyship. The speaker is white positioned.
If you would like to participate in this workshop, please contact Pia Ortwein.