at University Bielefeld
Here you can find research projects, participating departments of Bielefeld University as well as current publications of Bielefeld researchers that have diversity as their main theme.
We rely on your support to keep the list of projects up to date. If your project is related to the theme of diversity and is not to be found here please get in contact with us:
Normative aspects of Public Health (in German)
In order to keep an up to date list of publications by Bielefeld researchers on the subject of diversity we rely on your support.
If you are unable to find your publication related to the theme of diversity here, please get in contact with us:
To actively develop family friendly structures, Bielefeld University has developed its advisory service for families into a Family Service centre
The Representative Body for Disabled Employees represents the interests of disabled staff at Bielefeld University.
The international character of Bielefeld University is supported through strategies, measures and services to promote internationality in study, teaching and research. Further information on current projects and dates can be found here.
At Bielefeld University, gender equality is a management and cross-sectional task that is expressed in a multidimensional portfolio of measures. Accordingly, the focal points and degree of networking of the central Equal Opportunity Office, which accompanies the entire development of the university with a view to gender equality, are far-reaching.