The topic of sustainability is firmly anchored in the rectorate at Bielefeld University with the Vice Rectorate for Science and Society. The Vice-Rectorate is responsible for developing a sustainability strategy that builds on Bielefeld University's sustainability mission statement. It pursues an approach that implements the different dimensions of sustainability - ecology, economy & social issues - in the various areas of the university - research, study & teaching and operations.
In this portal you will find information on current projects and measures relating to sustainability at Bielefeld University, on the past participatory process for developing the preliminary sustainability mission statement, on funding opportunities for sustainability-related projects, as well as on persons to contact and opportunities to make suggestions.
In the course of preparing Bielefeld University's Sustainability Report 2023, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions attributable to the activities of the university and its members were analysed for the first time. Comparable to the results of other universities, it was found that GHG emissions caused by commuting by students and employees account for the majority of Bielefeld University's GHG balance (> 50 %: 11,532 of 21,801 tonnes of CO2 equivalents).
A key factor that determines the amount of commuting-related GHG emissions is the means of transport chosen by university members to commute from home to campus (and back). The mobility survey was used to determine the means of transport chosen by university members in 2023 (see figure). The response rate among students was around 12 per cent and among employees around 46 per cent.
In the "Campus life & operations" section of the sustainability mission statement, Bielefeld University has set itself the following goal, in line with the city of Bielefeld (see the city of Bielefeld's mobility strategy): "Through infrastructure and behaviour-changing measures, we are helping to increase the share of environmentally friendly modes of transport, i.e. walking, cycling and public transport, in the commuting behaviour of university members to ideally at least 75 % by 2030." The figure clearly shows that an eco-mobility share totalling 75 % could already be achieved by 2023. At 67 %, the share of eco-mobility in the modal split for employees is below that of students at 76 %. However, eco-mobility among employees has risen sharply in the last four years (56 % to 67 %), while eco-mobility among students has fallen slightly (78 % to 76 %). In addition, a shift from public transport to the car can be seen among students. Accordingly, despite the high share of eco-mobility in the modal split to date, it is important to keep an eye on current trends, evaluate them and introduce measures to promote eco-mobility among students and employees. Reducing commuting-related GHG emissions requires active interaction between the university's own projects and cooperation with relevant players in the field of mobility.
The topic of electromobility will also gain momentum in the coming years. While one in four employees in the group of car users can imagine switching to an electric car in the next few years, one in eight students in the group of car users can imagine doing so. In order to meet this demand, Bielefeld University is planning to provide charging facilities in the new multi-storey car park on Wertherstraße.
Die Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Theologie und Philosophie lädt herzlich zum Vortrag "Bildung im Anthropozän -- Wissenschaft für eine Nachhaltige Transformation" von Prof. Dr. Bernd Scherer (Berlin) ein. Die Veranstaltung findet am 16.07.2024 zwischen 18 und 20 Uhr in X-E0-001 statt.
Die nächste Sonderfahrt der Klimabahn startet zum Thema "Risiko Hitze: Was tun bei extremen Temperaturen?" am 15.06.2024 um 13:30 Uhr im X-Gebäude der Uni Bielefeld in Raum X-E0-002. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, die Teilnehmendenzahl begrenzt.
Giovanni Bettini (Lancaster University (CeMoRe) UK) trägt online auf Einladung der Arbeitsgruppe Soziologie der Transnationalisierung vor. Um Registrierung wird gebeten.
Svenja Bauer-Blaschkowski (Universität Darmstadt) ist zu Gast bei der Vortragsreihe Comparative Politics & Public Policy an der Fakultät für Soziologie.
With the Sustainability Newsletter, the Sustainability Office informs you at irregular intervals about current developments in the field of sustainability at Bielefeld University. You will also receive information on internal and external events, funding (e.g. teaching and research funding) and exciting projects from the universities community relating to the topic of sustainability.
Subscribe to the sustainability mailing list to receive the newsletter.
...that there are Ricoh toner collection boxes and non-Ricoh toner collection boxes in most of the university's copy rooms? In both cases, the collected cartridges are reconditioned and reused after an inspection and only disposed of if they cannot be reconditioned. The respective departments / secretary's offices are responsible for purchasing the Ricoh boxes themselves.
The collection box for the Collection Dragon campaign can be requested by sending an email to
Since May 2022, the Sustainability Office has been supporting the various sustainability-related activities at the university.
Office: V7-103
Phone: +49 521 106-86891
Every Wednesday between 10 and 11 a.m., you have the opportunity to clarify your questions and contribute ideas and suggestions in the online sustainability consultation hour. Registration via the electronic course catalogue (ekvv).
Further information can be found on the Sustainability Consultation Hour page.
Alternatively, please use the ideas form.
With the Sustainability Newsletter, the Sustainability Office informs you at irregular intervals about current developments in the field of sustainability at Bielefeld University. You will also receive information on internal and external events, funding (e.g. teaching and research funding) and exciting projects from the universities community relating to the topic of sustainability.
Subscribe to the sustainability mailing list to receive the newsletter.
Since September 2022, Climate Protection Management, which is part of the Facility Management (FM) department, has been coordinating the university's climate protection activities and supporting the implementation of political agreements on climate protection at a local level. In addition to preparing and updating the university's greenhouse gas balance, the Climate Protection Management team initiates, monitors and evaluates measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Contact: Roman Immoor, Climate Protection Manager (