Congratulations on your NRWege scholarship! This section of the website is especially for you, the NRWege scholarship holders. We are pleased to be able to support the success of your studies. In addition to financial support, we have another special service for you: our scholarship programme, in which we guide you to learn strategies for successful studies and to fulfil the requirements associated with the NRWege scholarship. This service is suitable for your situation. Participation is mandatory for all NRWege scholarship holders.
Within the framework of the scholarship programme, there will be a kick-off meeting at the beginning of the semester, an exchange meeting during the semester and a closing meeting at the end of the semester. All NRWege scholarship holders of the current semester will take part in the meetings.
You will find information about the first meeting in your scholarship notification.
The PunktUm German Learning Centre offers a comprehensive range of language support. You will receive an overview of the events selected for you at the group meetings.
The NRWege scholarship is a merit scholarship. As already explained in your scholarship agreement, you are expected to complete an average of 20 credit points per semester. In the scholarship programme, you will be guided in creating your semester plan. For the NRWege scholarship, it is not relevant whether you complete your studies in the standard period of study, as long as you achieve at least 20 credit points per semester.
You can view and download the proof of your performance via the ekvv in your examination administration. As soon as you have completed a performance in a seminar or lecture, it will be noted in your examination administration. You must send us the proof of performance at the end of each semester in which you are sponsored via the NRWege scholarship.
For each semester in which you are supported by the NRWege scholarship, we need a report on your study progress. The report serves as a reflection on the past semester and your own study behaviour. You can submit the report to us up to two months after the end of the semester. We will provide you with a template for the report in good time.
The NRWege scholarship is considered financial support for your studies. If you meet all the requirements, it does not have to be repaid. The scholarship will be paid out to you as soon as you have submitted the required documents to us after receiving the positive scholarship decision. From the time of payment and compliance with the requirements, the scholarship is yours. If you unexpectedly do not achieve the required credit points, please contact us in good time so that we can discuss your situation together.