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Data Archiving (Long-term backup of research data)

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Competence Center for Research Data
E-mail: data@uni-​
Phone +49 521 ​106-3967
Office Bldg. X, F1-​220
Universitätsbibliothek    BITS

The Rules of Good Scientific Practice of the University of Bielefeld and the German Research Foundation (DFG) require the protection of research data for ten years. The long-term preservation of research data offered by the Competence Center Research Data enables researchers to preserve the results of their work for a longer period after the end of the project (at least the required retention period). In contrast to data publication, long-term preservation does not aim at a further use of the research data by third parties, but rather focuses on the technically secure storage of the acquired data and the establishment of a process for accessing it.

We advise you on the selection of suitable file formats for long-term preservation (data transformation into non-proprietary formats, copy protection, migration barriers), on questions of access to the secured data and on data protection.

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