For the login you need a UniCard (Where and how do I get a card?). Members of Bielefeld University (Students and employees) use the BITS user name or the UniID and the web password for registration. External users use the UniID and the web password for registration. Please follow the instructions from BITS.
Members of Bielefeld University can use their personal login for numerous other services that use so-called Shibboleth authentication, e.g. when accessing licensed services (e-books, e-journals, databases) or in the eKVV.
You can only maintain your personal data in the PRISMA portal. This is not possible in the loan account. In the PRISMA portal, you can change the desired e-mail address for communication with the library. To do this, after logging in to the PRISMA portal, click on "Kontenübersicht" ("Account overview"), then on the + at "Bibliotheksausweis" ("Library card") and enter the desired e-mail address under "Kontakt E-Mail-Adresse (Bibliothek)". Change the web password that you need for the registration in the loan account by clicking on "Passwörter ändern" ("Change passwords"). Check "Web (Shibboleth)" or click on "Alle wählen" ("Select all") to use the same password in all services and click on "Passwort setzen" ("Set password"). The new password must comply with the password guideline (12 - 20 characters, no umlauts). See also the information from BITS on changing the password. For students and employees of Bielefeld University, the web password is also used for other services (e.g. the eKVV).
If you do not know or have forgotten your password for the PRISMA portal, click on the link "Set new password" on the login page in the PRISMA portal. External users can also contact the Service Desk in the Library Service Center.
You can change the web password in the PRISMA portal.
Further information: Change your password in PRISMA.